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The Needle Nuthouse
Welcome to the fun of our world where crazy things are said on a daily basis! We are just trying to chronicle our lives so we have a modern day diary/baby books/family history. And it might provide some entertainment too!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
My dad, the beach, Fathers Day
Every year it seems goes by faster and faster. Every year we do some of the same things and some new things. One thing we do every year is head to the beach. I did it growing up and I want my kids to experience the same. Some of my best childhood memories come from being at the beach. Being at the beach I always feel a little closer to my dad. He adored the beach and would sit out from sunrise to sunset and beyond if we'd let him. He was famous for sleeping on the beach, goofing around, and taking pictures of it all. We have so many pictures but so few of my dad because he was always behind the camera. I watch Max relish the beach with his big mop of curly hair and I know my dad is here with us. It makes me smile but also makes me sad. I like to imagine that he sees it all and is watching beaming with pride but I'm too selfish and wish he was here for us. I know he would dig in the sand and build castles with Max, take Alexis on walks far down the beach, playfully dance Maizy around the pool, and make Remy giggle until her cheeks hurt. I am lucky I can imagine all of those things. But my kids cannot. They cannot remember or didn't know. They only know what I've told them. It's good but not good enough. As another Father's Day approaches I will honor him and cherish the memories and hope that we are making as valuable memories for our kids. One day and you never know when that day might be the memories are all you have left.

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Friday, January 10, 2014
Happy 8th Birthday, Alexis
Dear Alexis,
It is your 8th birthday....totally amazing! Eight years ago you gave me the greatest gift there is to give. You made me a mom. Only you can claim this gift. We went to the hospital on 1/9/06 having no idea what we were in for. You made a very dramatic entrance into the world on 1/10/06. We didn't know if you were a boy or a girl and after three and a half long hours of trying to push you out, daddy finally said "it's a ........ GIRL!" Here was my reaction:

Although you were not eager to eat and we did everything we could to torture you to stay awake (strip you down, rub a wet washcloth on you, mess with you), you just wanted to sleep. We couldn't wait to take you home to Riley and begin our new life. You brought only complete joy with you.

You made our house a home as soon as we walked through that door with you. Thanks for being our guinea pig because we had no idea what we were doing. But in true Alexis fashion you were the best baby ever. During your first year, you made us a family. You were easy to take anywhere, loved riding in the car or your stroller, and were happy to just be with us. You didn't like to be dirty or messy. You liked everything in a particular order. Change was not good. Your first 12 months were nothing but fun although a learning curve!!!! Then you turned one:

You never crawled so you wanted us to carry you everywhere. You liked to hold our fingers and walk. But you sure did talk. By 18 months you were speaking in complete sentences. We realized at this point that you were an old soul. You never acted like a typical toddler. You were straight from baby to lady. You were so well behaved that if someone just barely said no to you or looked at you wrong you would cry. You loved to play tea party and always cleaned up after yourself. By the time you turned two:

You were an angel. You had your first real tea party for your birthday. You really started becoming your own little person. A perfectionist who was hard on yourself and easily frustrated when you couldn't do something. You didn't like separating from me but loved preschool and met some of your best friends who are still BFFs. You also gained a little brother this year and you were so proud of him and instantly such a little helper. You were always right by my side (or under my feet) and my own little shadow. And soon you turned 3:

This was the year you started ballet. Your first recital you did great. Your second recital this year you stood on stage and cried during the whole dance. You were not very adventurous and really quite cautious in every way. Every time I would look at you it was like looking in the mirror into my childhood. I didn't mind having a mini me! You were growing up way too fast though! And then you turned four:

You had your first trip to Disney when you turned four. You loved tinkerbell and baby dolls. You played with princesses and strawberry shortcake. You also learned you were getting a little sister soon and you were beyond excited. You named her Pixie. Even once Maizy was born you couldn't remember her name and still called her pixie. This year in pre-k you loved for me to come to your class and would always cry when I left. This year flew by! And then you turned five:

On your 5th birthday we had five inches of snow and no school for a week. Once you were five I decided five was the best age and you should stay five forever. You were so sweet and cuddly yet you were somewhat independent and could do things for yourself. You treasured Maizy and taking care of her. You also started kindergarten this year and were your quiet shy little self. You also performed in your first Nutcracker this year!!! You always followed the rules and had high expectations of yourself. I loved watching your friendships bloom as you were turning into a real little person. And before I knew it you were six:

As you finished up kindergarten, you became a big sister for the third time. This is not a job you take lightly. And this time when Remy was born you were able to actually help. You held her and rocked her and "babysat" her all the time. I didn't even really have to ask you, you just did it. I could really see your warm and motherly personality developing. You were really becoming a little companion and not only someone I took care of. I can never have enough of you! You had a great start to first grade and enjoyed learning so much. You became quite the avid reader and always played school and asked for more homework! You lost your first tooth and were visited by Tooty your tooth fairy. You were so brave when that tooth came out (not!!!). You hate pulling your teeth out even when they are barely hanging on. The dramatics when you are mildly! But I love that about you. And suddenly you turned seven:

And now I really felt like you were growing up like a flip book before my eyes. You loved your American girl dolls and ballet. And you loved ballet and ballet and more ballet!!!! I could watch you dance forever because on the stage your whole face is lit up with a gorgeous smile! Seeing you so happy makes me sooooo happy! You also love your friends and spending time with them. You began to love fashion and designing clothing. You can sit for hours and decorate an outfit. You were so excited for Max to be at school with you this year. You walk him to his class every day. You love movies and Disney. You love books and reading. You will read anything! You love dance and your siblings. You love fashion and clothes and shoes and jewelry and clothes and learning and oh yeah clothes. You are becoming your own person and making your own decisions. And although I don't want to admit it......today you are eight:

I am so lucky to have you and to call you mine. I am so proud of the little lady you have become. I look at you and beam. I can't wait to see what this year will bring for you! Before I had you, I never knew that a person was capable of loving someone else with every ounce of their soul and beyond. So much that literally thinking about you during the day when you are not with me gives me a warm feeling in my heart. It is hard to imagine that I even existed before you came along. I love you my eight year old baby.
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It is your 8th birthday....totally amazing! Eight years ago you gave me the greatest gift there is to give. You made me a mom. Only you can claim this gift. We went to the hospital on 1/9/06 having no idea what we were in for. You made a very dramatic entrance into the world on 1/10/06. We didn't know if you were a boy or a girl and after three and a half long hours of trying to push you out, daddy finally said "it's a ........ GIRL!" Here was my reaction:
Although you were not eager to eat and we did everything we could to torture you to stay awake (strip you down, rub a wet washcloth on you, mess with you), you just wanted to sleep. We couldn't wait to take you home to Riley and begin our new life. You brought only complete joy with you.
You made our house a home as soon as we walked through that door with you. Thanks for being our guinea pig because we had no idea what we were doing. But in true Alexis fashion you were the best baby ever. During your first year, you made us a family. You were easy to take anywhere, loved riding in the car or your stroller, and were happy to just be with us. You didn't like to be dirty or messy. You liked everything in a particular order. Change was not good. Your first 12 months were nothing but fun although a learning curve!!!! Then you turned one:
You never crawled so you wanted us to carry you everywhere. You liked to hold our fingers and walk. But you sure did talk. By 18 months you were speaking in complete sentences. We realized at this point that you were an old soul. You never acted like a typical toddler. You were straight from baby to lady. You were so well behaved that if someone just barely said no to you or looked at you wrong you would cry. You loved to play tea party and always cleaned up after yourself. By the time you turned two:
You were an angel. You had your first real tea party for your birthday. You really started becoming your own little person. A perfectionist who was hard on yourself and easily frustrated when you couldn't do something. You didn't like separating from me but loved preschool and met some of your best friends who are still BFFs. You also gained a little brother this year and you were so proud of him and instantly such a little helper. You were always right by my side (or under my feet) and my own little shadow. And soon you turned 3:
This was the year you started ballet. Your first recital you did great. Your second recital this year you stood on stage and cried during the whole dance. You were not very adventurous and really quite cautious in every way. Every time I would look at you it was like looking in the mirror into my childhood. I didn't mind having a mini me! You were growing up way too fast though! And then you turned four:
You had your first trip to Disney when you turned four. You loved tinkerbell and baby dolls. You played with princesses and strawberry shortcake. You also learned you were getting a little sister soon and you were beyond excited. You named her Pixie. Even once Maizy was born you couldn't remember her name and still called her pixie. This year in pre-k you loved for me to come to your class and would always cry when I left. This year flew by! And then you turned five:
On your 5th birthday we had five inches of snow and no school for a week. Once you were five I decided five was the best age and you should stay five forever. You were so sweet and cuddly yet you were somewhat independent and could do things for yourself. You treasured Maizy and taking care of her. You also started kindergarten this year and were your quiet shy little self. You also performed in your first Nutcracker this year!!! You always followed the rules and had high expectations of yourself. I loved watching your friendships bloom as you were turning into a real little person. And before I knew it you were six:
As you finished up kindergarten, you became a big sister for the third time. This is not a job you take lightly. And this time when Remy was born you were able to actually help. You held her and rocked her and "babysat" her all the time. I didn't even really have to ask you, you just did it. I could really see your warm and motherly personality developing. You were really becoming a little companion and not only someone I took care of. I can never have enough of you! You had a great start to first grade and enjoyed learning so much. You became quite the avid reader and always played school and asked for more homework! You lost your first tooth and were visited by Tooty your tooth fairy. You were so brave when that tooth came out (not!!!). You hate pulling your teeth out even when they are barely hanging on. The dramatics when you are mildly! But I love that about you. And suddenly you turned seven:
And now I really felt like you were growing up like a flip book before my eyes. You loved your American girl dolls and ballet. And you loved ballet and ballet and more ballet!!!! I could watch you dance forever because on the stage your whole face is lit up with a gorgeous smile! Seeing you so happy makes me sooooo happy! You also love your friends and spending time with them. You began to love fashion and designing clothing. You can sit for hours and decorate an outfit. You were so excited for Max to be at school with you this year. You walk him to his class every day. You love movies and Disney. You love books and reading. You will read anything! You love dance and your siblings. You love fashion and clothes and shoes and jewelry and clothes and learning and oh yeah clothes. You are becoming your own person and making your own decisions. And although I don't want to admit it......today you are eight:
I am so lucky to have you and to call you mine. I am so proud of the little lady you have become. I look at you and beam. I can't wait to see what this year will bring for you! Before I had you, I never knew that a person was capable of loving someone else with every ounce of their soul and beyond. So much that literally thinking about you during the day when you are not with me gives me a warm feeling in my heart. It is hard to imagine that I even existed before you came along. I love you my eight year old baby.
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Friday, April 26, 2013
Blog Hiatus
I think I have just come to accept that every once and while there will be a little blog hiatus as living my actual life gets in the way. Since January I added a bit more time at work and for some reason it threw a wrench in everything. Hopefully with summer coming soon I will have some more time again. Since January we have done lots of ballet, basketball, and soccer.

Remy has grown a ton. She now sits up and eats some purée baby food.

Counting down the days to summer. Loving having four kids and getting strange looks and states everywhere we go especially when I'm alone with them. Last week in Kroger about four different people stopped me to make a comment such as:
1. Wow, you are brave
2. How do you get them all to behave
3. Are they all yours
4. How come none of them look alike
But by far the best comment I've EVER heard was yesterday. In the parking lot of Whole Foods, we were walking and so everyone was holding hands and a man stops his car, rolls down his window, and says "hey you need a parade permit for that!".
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Remy has grown a ton. She now sits up and eats some purée baby food.

Counting down the days to summer. Loving having four kids and getting strange looks and states everywhere we go especially when I'm alone with them. Last week in Kroger about four different people stopped me to make a comment such as:
1. Wow, you are brave
2. How do you get them all to behave
3. Are they all yours
4. How come none of them look alike
But by far the best comment I've EVER heard was yesterday. In the parking lot of Whole Foods, we were walking and so everyone was holding hands and a man stops his car, rolls down his window, and says "hey you need a parade permit for that!".
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Being a Mom
After listening to a conversation between Max and Maizy, I learned a new criteria for being a mom.
Max: hey Maizy do you want to play family
Maizy: yeah
Max: okay you be the baby and I'll be your dad
Maizy: no, you be's the baby and me wanna be the mom
Max: you have to talk like a mom if you are the mom
Maizy: me will
Max: Maizy, mom's don't say be's and they don't say me when it's supposed to be I
Maizy: ummmmmm ok. You be's the dad and me be the mom.
Max: you are a bad mom
Maizy: (crying) MOM, Max said me a bad mom.
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Max: hey Maizy do you want to play family
Maizy: yeah
Max: okay you be the baby and I'll be your dad
Maizy: no, you be's the baby and me wanna be the mom
Max: you have to talk like a mom if you are the mom
Maizy: me will
Max: Maizy, mom's don't say be's and they don't say me when it's supposed to be I
Maizy: ummmmmm ok. You be's the dad and me be the mom.
Max: you are a bad mom
Maizy: (crying) MOM, Max said me a bad mom.
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Thursday, January 3, 2013
A friend of a friend's house burned down. They were in need of lots of things. One thing was clothing for their boys. I need to keep all my girl clothes but I usually keep all my boy clothes, give them to my nephew and when he's done I sell them at a consignment sale. So I decided to give these people all the 2t boys clothes we had in memory of Chase Kowalski. Chase, you are remembered.
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Act #3
In honor of Noah Pozner:
Today our cleaning lady came by herself. Usually she comes with her son. It takes her a lot longer when she comes by herself. So I left her $10 extra.
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Today our cleaning lady came by herself. Usually she comes with her son. It takes her a lot longer when she comes by herself. So I left her $10 extra.
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Christmas Cheer
Act #2 in honor of you, Charlotte Bacon:
Spent the morning at Children's Healthcare sorting gift bags and giving gifts to the patients in the hospital. I think we have done it about 7 times in the last 10 years. It's always a sobering experience but especially so this year.
It's always a breath holding experience walking into the NICU, TICU, and PICU. I'm always thankful for my four healthy children and will hope and pray for the best for the children and families there.

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Spent the morning at Children's Healthcare sorting gift bags and giving gifts to the patients in the hospital. I think we have done it about 7 times in the last 10 years. It's always a sobering experience but especially so this year.
It's always a breath holding experience walking into the NICU, TICU, and PICU. I'm always thankful for my four healthy children and will hope and pray for the best for the children and families there.

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