I have learned several valuable lessons from my adorable son these past two days.
Yesterday, we arrived home from school. Alexis was not with us because she went home with a friend. Step one: We pull in the garage. Step two: I drop my keys inside my bag, hop out of the car, unsnap Maizy, and unbuckle Max. Step three: I proceed to tell Max to get out of the car, but he ran to the opposite side. I had Maizy's carseat in my hand still so I couldn't exactly jump in after him. I had a brilliant idea....I'll bring Maizy inside and then come back out so I can properly "handle" Max. BAD IDEA! When I came back out, the door was closed and Max was happily bounding around the front seats. I go to open the door and it won't open. His button happy little fingers apparently hit the lock button.
So I don't freak out yet, but try to coerce him to push the button again.

He tries, but mostly ends up pushing the window button or the seat heater or the other random buttons on the door. Even when he would push the lock, he was not pushing it hard enough to unlock. I come inside to look for a spare key and can't find one. Max, by the way, thinks this is hilarious and the best time of his life. Here is some evidence of that.
I call Ben and he thinks a key is upstairs. Nope, can't find it. Enter, panic mode. I am frantically telling Max to push the button while he continues playing and this scenario is playing in my mind: Me calling AAA and telling them my 2 year old son is locked in the car in our garage and them silently berating me for being a terrible mother. Only problem......AAA card was also locked in car. Just as I was coming inside to get the phone number off the computer, Max finally pushed the button hard enough and crisis was averted.
Lesson learned: Don't ever leave Max alone in the car unbuckled for ANY reason.
You may think this is the end of the story, but, ah,, my friends, 'tis not!
This morning a friend of Alexis's was dropped off at our house so I could bring her to school because her mom had to be somewhere. With 4 children 5 and under in my care, we load up and head out (on time even!!!). We back out of the driveway and I thought my car felt a little funny, but there were tons of wet leaves in the street so I thought that was the problem. We keep driving and it seems fine. But every time I turn, my wheels won't turn all the way. I start freaking out, and turn very, very slowly and carefully. It seems like it is only happening on left turns. Luckily only a two left turns to school. I call Ben because I didn't know what to do. No answer. I call again. No answer. We have a rule that he keeps his phone on silent at school, but if I NEED him, I call two to three times in a row and then he knows to pick up. So I call again. No answer. I text him. NO ANSWER. I drive a little in the parking lot and it seems okay. So I drive to the dr.'s office because Max has an appointment to get a shot and from school to the dr. office is only right turns. As I'm driving, I quickly realize it is not ONLY left turns. It is any time I turn the wheel more sharply than just a gradual turn.
Freak out again. Call Ben again. Still no answer. I now start realizing that this is going to be very problematic because I can't get three carseats in a regular car if someone else were to have to pick me up or I were to have to use someone else's car. I call Ben about 3 more times and text him 2 more times, and email him. NOTHING! By now, I'm desperate, so I call the front office at his school and ask them to have Ben call me ASAP. He finally calls and he says he is going to come over and call AAA. Wow, second time in two days. Great! So I go into the dr. and Max gets his shot. When I come out, Ben calls and asks me to look under the radio and see if the knob is turned to the 2WD or not. Sure 'nuf, it's turned to 4WD. Little mister happy hands, turned the knob for 4 wheel drive when he was messing around in the car. Ben arrives, gives the car a test drive, and it was perfectly fine. Geez, Max!!!!!!!
Side note: When I ask Ben why he did not answer after I called probably 16 times, he replies, "well, my laptop was in my lap and I thought the buzzing was just my laptop humming". ARE YOU "BLEEPIN" KIDDING ME??????????
Ahhhh, now on to the rest of the day.