Friday, May 11, 2012

Maizy and Jarrett Sittin' in a Tree

Last year in June (yes you will have to go back and look because I cannot link from my phone), I posted a bunch of Maizy and Jarrett's first few dates basically starting with birth since I mean they are going to get married. We are collecting for the wedding slideshow. Here is their first birthday get together:

They also had a little shopping outing at about 18 months of age!

And more recently at almost two, they had their first kiss. It was hard to catch on camera but here is Maizy waiting very innocently:

Don't worry it wasn't all "action", they also had a nice time playing together!!!

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Ultimate Chillax

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Amendment to Last Post

I was reading my last post and realized that something was unclear. Since it was about my two grandparents who have been in rehab, going through living arrangement changes, and taking up mist of our time, I stated that they have two great grandparents who adore them. However, it was unclear because they really have four great grandparents that adore them, but the post was only about two of them.

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