Alexis had dance again this morning and is really doing well. She is actually participating, although her balance and precision are a bit off! But for a three year old, I'd say she's doing great. Here she is dressed as Peter Rabbit as that was the theme today:

And here she is in her tap outfit:

Maxwell was finally well enough to make it to Scottish Rite today to get his blood taken. First, we arrived and had to check-in. At registration, Max was being very chatty trying to get everyone in the entire waiting room to acknowledge him. His kind sister kept telling him, "Max, you are being TOO loud." At least, she does my job for me. Once we got to the lab, he had numbing cream applied to his arms so that he hopefully wouldn't feel the needle. We, then, had to wait 30 minutes for it to take effect. Finally, his arms were nice and tingly, and it was his turn. Apparently, the numbing cream works REALLY well. The nurse had to stick him a few times before his blood started flowing. Because he only weighs 16 pounds, she could only take 11 cc's of blood, but we needed more than that for all the tests so we thought we were going to have to come back again, but luckily, she took an extra 3cc's and made it stretch so we don't have to do that. They did have to use both arms though to get enough. He didn't cry at all and Alexis was amazed! She was completely enthralled by watching his blood go into the vials. Maybe she'll be a doctor....or a vampire. Here is a picture of little Max and his band-aided arms. Please excuse his crazy hair. He decided to paint his head with sweet potato at dinner.

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