Here are the pictures of the towels stuffed into the air vents as promised:
We left for New Jersey yesterday morning and got to the airport in plenty of time. So much time in fact that my father-in-law would be proud and Ben made fun of me. Nothing exciting about the airport ventures in Atlanta, but we had no idea what was yet to come.
As we are waiting to board, the gate agent comes on the speaker and says "We'll be boarding in about 5-10 minutes because the air conditioning was leaking on the plane and several seats are wet. We'll be turning on the heat for 5-10 minutes to dry it out". Oh fantastic!!! A steaming hot airplane for 2 hours with Max sitting on my lap. I can't freakin' wait. Alexis, Mom, and Ben boarded the plane and Max and I waited until the whole plane was boarded just to avoid some unnecessary screaming. Max was ever so tired because of the lack of naps yesterday. Fast forward to us sitting on the runway waiting to be cleared for takeoff......I start feeling a little mist. Yup, just over our heads coming out of the airvents was a little sprinkle. The flight attendant brought us a very high tech solution - paper towels to stuff into the vent. Slowly but surely, all up and down the plane, paper towels began to line the vents. I took a picture, but I'll have to add it later because I don't know how to do it on Scott's computer. Shortly before takeoff, Max decided to be pissed off that he couldn't walk around so he held his breath and passed out. Perfect! A whole plane full of people got to witness me bizarre child. At least he slept through take off. Max was quite annoying through the whole flight squirming around and whining just about the whole time. But just in time for landing, he got pissed off enough again to pass out again. PLANE PASS OUT COUNT = 2
Once we got off the plane and got to baggage our three suitcases were there, but no car seats. Hmmm....must be in oversize baggage they say. So we trek over to oversize baggage only to find that it's locked. After waiting for someone to unlock it, we retrieve the carseats. Now we have two carseats, three suitcases, three carryons, a stroller, and two kids to carry back upstairs to the Air Train. Since we all don't fit in the elevator, my mom, Alexis, and me (with Max strapped to my chest) get in first. The doors open at the top, and the screams begin. Unaware at first what happened, I look down to see why Alexis is screaming bloody murder and her entire hand is smushed in between the elevator door and the frame. And IT WON'T COME OUT. I start freaking out thinking that we are going straight from Newark to the hospital because all of her fingers will be broken. The guy who worked there called the police because he thought if we pulled her hand too hard, her skin would rip off. All these people begin to gather around and start pushing on the doors. Finally, someone pushed the door in and someone pulled it out, and her fingers became dislodged. After many tears and convincing her to try to calm down enough to see if she could move her fingers, we realized that she was actually okay with nothing broken. Although, they did have to interview me for an incident report stating that we refused medical attention. We finally made it to the rental car place and got our car and drove away from the hellish airport.
I'm sure more trip adventures will occur before we leave so I'll save those for a later post!
Happy Days!!!!
Hope things got better once you arrived!!