I know there were no posts in March. So unlike me :) So either our lives were totally boring (unlikely) or our lives were so crazy that updating by blog became very low on the priority list (highly likely). So here is March in a nutshell for us. At the beginning of March, I either had a stomach bug or food poisoning that caused more puke than you ever could imagine thus dehydrating me and necessitating a 24 stint at Northside Hospital. Fun times! It took about a week to recover from that.
Really the rest of March is just a blur because right about this time is when our house went under contract. Like literally we decided to just suck it up and lower the price on a Saturday and then on Sunday someone came to look and by Sunday night made an offer. So the next couple weeks were spent going through inspection, appraisal, fixing a couple things, starting to pack, starting to look at houses, cleaning out my mom's bonus room and basement (so that we can stay with her until we find something). Really, I can't imagine why I did not have to make a blog post. Oh, and speaking of her bonus room.......WOW! We needed to clean out the closets and empty the room so we can stay in there. And I'm telling you, clown closets. Crap just kept coming and coming. 20 years of stuff. It was incredible.
Then it was Purim and we hopped around from carnival to carnival with two dressed up children. Alexis would be nothing other than Dorothy. Luckily, when I was about 6, I was Dorothy for Halloween and had a costume already made. And, yes, my mom kept it. So Alexis got to be Dorothy after a manhunt for red shoes, because her silver sparkly shoes were not good enough and my idea of wearing red socks and no shoes didn't go over so well either. After finding red shoes that met the criteria for a 4 year old, I then had to find Max a costume. Not that easy in March as opposed to October. But we made do. Here is Max man the pirate and Alexis with Bess. Unfortunately, I have no pictures of her full body length to view the shoes. Sorry!

Next, we took a trip to Athens for the Gym Dogs meet. Always nice to head back to the ol' stomping ground and reminisce. The kids loved it and we even had nice enough weather to walk around downtown.
We then held our 4th Bi-Annual Blood Drive in honor of my dad on what would have been his 54th birthday on March 28. We had about 25 people donate blood and we are very thankful for that and being able to continue his tradition.
Then all of a sudden March was about to end, but of course, we needed Passover stuck in there just to add a bit more fun. So we moved into my mom's house for the week so we didn't have to clean and get two houses ready for this crazy week! And then all of a sudden it became April. Time is ticking by and getting closer and closer to June. Oh CRAP!
At least, I'm already beating the number of posts in March this month. One down! I promise to be better. Well, who am I kidding........
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