Monday, October 4, 2010

Embarrassed and Ashamed!

I am quite embarrassed and ashamed that it has been nearly two months since a blog post. What the HELL have I been doing? I've clearly got nothing else to do, but seriously, I enjoy posting so that I can look back on things I never would have remembered and laugh. So I am officially turning over a back to blogging leaf! Here is a quick summary of the last two months. We have MOVED! Yes, that's right, folks. We are no longer nomads, but have a place to call our very own. It is going to be a long work in progress, but we have plenty of space. Over time we will just need to make that space our own and bring the house into the 21st century and out of 1982. We have made a huge dent in that endeavor just by redoing all the carpet, putting in wood floors, and painting every square inch. As soon as I can clean enough to take some "after" pictures, I will post the before and afters. It is pretty amazing. On top of moving, taking care of three children has become second nature :) Most of the time, they are pretty good and easy, but on days like today, I think to myself, "holy shit, this could be a long 18 years".

Maizy is 3 months old now and has some slight torticollis and neck muscle strength issues. No worries, for some reason, I happen to know a great physical therapist (at my office) who has been helping her out. She is pretty small so perhaps that has something to do with it. In fact, just last night, we were with another baby who is two days older than her and he looked like he could eat her for breakfast....actually, make that a snack. He was this adorable, yet incredibly large baby. I know they are both at opposite ends of the normal spectrum, but it really dwarfed Maizy. Not sure how much she weighs....maybe 10 or 11 pounds. I guess we'll find out for sure at the end of the month for her 4 month check up. But she did recently make it across the country to Seattle for a visit (look for that post coming soon). She was the best kid (of our three) on the plane if that says anything.

I also don't have any pictures from end of August to end of September because I lost my camera. I know, smart one. And of course with the move, we didn't have a computer for a while so I hadn't downloaded pictures in a while. So there went documented memories from August 22 to September 18. Big bummer! But I did learn a valuable pictures often.

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