Her school is quite smart and does a kindergarten sneak a peek and it happened to be yesterday. It was brilliant for Alexis because she is quite shy and sensitive. And if she is not prepares for a situation, she will FREAK out. She has cried and clung on to me for dear life numerous times and numerous places. When new people talk to her, she pretends she is either mute or deaf and doesn't answer. And while this can all be very frustrating for me, it does have some irony to it. I'm pretty sure that I did the exact same thing. The only difference was that I didn't even talk to people I did know. But sweet Alexis is very gentle, mature, and kind. All traits to admire. She is an amazing sister to two very lucky little kids. You can just look at her and see her sweetness.

Anyway, back to sneak a peek....she asked 15 times if I was leaving and didn't believe me when I kept saying no. As we arrived and were greeted, people talked to her and naturally she didn't answer. I don't think she uttered a word that was not whispered in my ear for the whole time we were there. But she got a whole tour of the school and hopefully next time we are there it will all be a little more familiar. She did already inform me that she will cry the first day, and I already informed her that I was going to leave anyway. At least we got that cleared up.

Looking forward to kindergarten and a new adventure with my first baby!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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