I have decided that five is the best age in the world. If all my kids would go through all the stages from birth to five and then stay five forever, I'd be thrilled! Alexis is five and she is the best. I look at her and I almost always am overcome with love and amazement. She is grown up but still little, mature but still cute, independent but still needy. She's the best daughter and an even better sister. She takes such care of her brother and sister. She makes sure Maizy is safe and plays with her all the time.

She makes sure Max is always included with her friends. She has taught Max how to play, how to be a good sibling to Maizy, and how to take care of each other.

I look at her and immediately smile because she is kind, thoughtful, and sweet. She is so sweet with my grandparents. Always offering hugs or a story to them. She helps her with her walker and makes sure she sits down.

When you close you eyes right after you get married and imagine what your kids will be like, it is Alexis. I wish I could keep her five because I know when she goes off to kindergarten, she will start to talk back, fight with us about cleaning her room, become a pre-teen, get too cool for us, be home less and less, and eventually be in high school where I know from personal experience it's all over!!!! All these things are so normal, but selfishly I want her to be my baby forever. I understand why people keep having babies just hoping that one time they won't grow up!!!!!

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