Max has been "potty trained" for several months now. The reason it is in quotes is because he only pees in the potty. He also wears underwear all day long. How is this possible, you ask? Well, he holds his poop in until bedtime or nap time when he has a diaper on. He has quite a talent. And a few stomach aches I would imagine. Well, these last few weeks he has been at camp all day and not really napping. Hmmmmm.....a problem is posing. Finally last week we tried a solution. Since Max would often ask for a diaper we cut a hole out of the back of it and wah lah....he pooped in his diaper yet really in the potty. It was cause for a big celebration so our first trip to Dunkin Donuts ensued.

While I knew the first success was going to be tough, I knew that subsequent ones would be even tougher. But Ben promised him a sundae as big as his head if he made a habit of this.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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