Let me relay my night about two nights ago. Ben was out tutoring (which usually happens at least two nights a week plus the night he teaches so we are usually looking at at least three nights a week that I do bedtime alone) so we do the whole bath time routine for Max and Maizy, then a shower for Alexis, reading, stories, prayers, and into bed. Ahhhh.....time to relax. No, actually I never have time to relax because I'm so freaking tired that as soon as I sit down to enjoy that quiet time I fall asleep. So I don't even bask in that evening glory. After making lunches and cleaning up some, I sit down on the couch. Like I said didn't last long and I was asleep. Finally cam upstairs around 11:00. Ben came home at some point, don't remember it, but he was on the couch asleep too! At midnight I am awoken by screaming and running footsteps into my room. Alexis- there is a bug in my room. Okay, since ben wasn't in bed, I tell her to hop in. Ain't no way I was going to see if there was a bug. A lot of times when she has bad dreams they are about bugs so I wasn't sure if there was actually a bug. Well, her screaming must have woke up Ben because he came up. I ask him to check her room. He comes back and says it's fine.
She goes back. And comes back screaming again that it's still there. Then Ben confesses he didn't actually check but just figured it was a dream. Sure enough a huge roach was on her wall. Then she doesn't want to sleep alone so Ben lays in her room with her. Ahhhh....back to sleep. Startled awake again around 2:00 by Max- "mom, can you put my scooby books back on my shelf". What the hell it's 2am I don't give a crap where your scooby books are. "Max, just put them wherever". Nooooooooo......"okay just be quiet and get in my bed". Since Ben was still in lexi's room there was plenty of space. About 3am, Ben comes back and sees Max. "Just put him back", I say. Fine. Back to sleep.....but not for looonnnnnggggg. At 4am, Alexis is back. Honestly I have no idea what she said but I told her to get in my bed. 4:30
I bear Maizy making whimpers on the monitor. Right as I was about to shoot myself, she mist have found her pacifier and got quiet. At 5:50, Ben's alarm goes off. Of course I hear it vibrating but does he? Nope! So I nudge him awake and he gets in the shower. Of course he also pressed snooze on his alarm (on his phone) so while he is in the shower it keeps going off and I can't even find the damn thing. I resorted to just getting up at that point.
Luckily, the next night was uneventful but I was strangely more tired the day after an actual night's sleep than the day before. Of course, it is 6am and I've already seen Max a few times since putting him into a slumbery state. But it's not like I'll be any more tired than I already was....I'm good at silver linings.
I also probably failed to mention that last week Maizy had several days of temperature ranging from 102-105. Those days didn't make for blissful nights either......sigh. Can't we all just do this:

And this:

And this:

All in our own beds!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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