Max is a character. I mean there is really no other way to describe him. He is funny. I mean really funny. What he says often loses something in writing because for him it is all in the delivery. But this morning Alexis was telling us about her bad dream. Whenever she has a bad dream it is about bugs. I guess that is about the worst thing she knows lucky for her!!!! Anyway, she says in her dream that she saw a daddy long legs and she picked it up and ripped its legs off. Max says with a face of pure disappointment, "Lexi, that is terrible. You destroyed one of God's creatures. You should probably apologize to God and he might forgive you.". She started crying of course. I explained that it wasn't actually real so she did not have to worry. Max, however, says, "it's real to the person that dreams it.". Really? Thank you Mr. Profound. Yesterday as we were leaving Alexis's ballet class, there was some trash in the parking lot. Max immediately says, "oooooohhhhh, that is so mean to the world.".
He also has developed his own gamut of profanity three year old style. He knows he shouldn't say certain words so he has made up his own.
Dummy bear=dumb ass
What the football=I think this one is self explanatory
Booby boo=not sure exactly but you don't want to be called this

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