Thursday was a beautiful day in which many blog-worthy things happened. After waking up early, we had to take Riley to the vet for her yearly checkup (which by the way, was supposed to be in May). But, I figure, if we are still in the same year, it still counts as yearly. So the four of us trek out of the house up to the vet. We arrive on time and quite promptly are shown to our room. BUT, 15 unnecessary minutes tick by before anyone comes into the room when clearly we were the only ones there since ALL the other rooms were empty. Picture Alexis and Max fighting over who gets to hold Riley's leash, Max opening cabinets all over the place, and Alexis chasing around Claw and Beep, her imaginary friends, because they were not being good listeners.

Clearly, Alexis was winning the fight of who got the hold the leash for the above photo! Finally, the nurse came in, took Riley for her bloodwork, nail cutting, and whatever else in the back. Still trying to entertain two children in a little four by four EMPTY room, and 15 minutes later Riley comes back. "Ok" says the nurse, "now I'll let the vet know that Riley is ready to be examined". Fabulous! Almost done! 30 FREAKIN' MINUTES LATER, the vet comes in. By now, Alexis has come up with a thousand different scenarios about why Claw and Beep are flying around the room on scooters/going to school inside the treat dish/doing her hair for a party, etc., Max has torn apart the only magazine in the room while whining and crying because he is probably as bored as I am, and I'm about to climb up the walls. I explain to the vet that Riley has been peeing in her sleep and last time that happened she had a bladder infection. "Well, let's get a urine sample from her", she says. Ok, great. 15 minutes later, Riley comes back. "Ok, now we have to wait for the vet to analyze the sample", the nurse says. We waited about 15 more minutes, and now everyone is hungry, Max is tired, and I am just plain annoyed. I was just about to go out the other door and say we are just going to leave and have to come back for round two, when the vet came in and said that her urine was too watery to examine so we have to CATCH HER FIRST PEE OF THE MORNING IN A TUPPERWARE and bring it in. Are you kidding me????? Ummmm.....that's going to be Ben's job. Finally, after 1 1/2 hours and $228, we leave the vet.
For the second, third, and fourth blog-worthy things of the day.....
Ha! The suspense will kill you, I know!!!!
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