Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
This week I did not let Alexis fall asleep on the floor of my office because we stopped by there for a little while to do some paperwork on Thursday. She was completely fine when we arrived, but while we were there for an hour, she suddenly developed a 103 fever and crashed out on the floor. And I definitely didn't take a picture of it either.
I also did not allow her to watch TV all day for two days while she was sick. Surely, I could have thought of something else for her to do.
Max does not have a black eye again because of walking around our bedroom and falling eye first into the corner edge of the bed. I totally should not put some sort of foam on the corners.
I do not put the kids in the car in the mornings when we leave the house and then go back in and do last minute clean up in case someone comes to view our house. If they were still inside, it would be one step forward, two steps back in the cleaning process. Don't worry.....the windows are down and the music is on for them!!!!!
I did not let Max eat a quarter of a cupcake yesterday for sure. I mean Alexis didn't get cupcakes, cookies, etc. until she was at least 2 so of course I wouldn't let my second child have that horrendous food until 2 either.

This week I did not let Alexis fall asleep on the floor of my office because we stopped by there for a little while to do some paperwork on Thursday. She was completely fine when we arrived, but while we were there for an hour, she suddenly developed a 103 fever and crashed out on the floor. And I definitely didn't take a picture of it either.
Max does not have a black eye again because of walking around our bedroom and falling eye first into the corner edge of the bed. I totally should not put some sort of foam on the corners.
I do not put the kids in the car in the mornings when we leave the house and then go back in and do last minute clean up in case someone comes to view our house. If they were still inside, it would be one step forward, two steps back in the cleaning process. Don't worry.....the windows are down and the music is on for them!!!!!
I did not let Max eat a quarter of a cupcake yesterday for sure. I mean Alexis didn't get cupcakes, cookies, etc. until she was at least 2 so of course I wouldn't let my second child have that horrendous food until 2 either.
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