Welcome to the fun of our world where crazy things are said on a daily basis! We are just trying to chronicle our lives so we have a modern day diary/baby books/family history. And it might provide some entertainment too!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Another Priceless Comment
Saturday was quite the lazy day for us. We pretty much did not do anything all day long. We weren't totally lazy though and we did start the day out with a run. Even Alexis ran with us (I know....just what little bean pole needs), but she LOVES running and even made us buy her some running shoes so she could run without her feet hurting. The other thing we did today was play in the backyard:

And after dinner, we went the totally ultimate playground right next to our neighborhood. Alexis knew going into it that we had limited time before Max crashed. After 45 minutes, she got a 5 minute warning. So when it was time to go, she decided to run away from us. We finally had her cornered in the sandbox. After getting yelled at for not listening and running away from us, I dragged her toward the parking lot. Since by dragging, I mean literally dragging, it was taking a while. So I picked her up. As I picked her up, she screamed, "I am SO not happy with you right now!". Hmmmm....I wonder if she has heard that anywhere before?????
This Last Week's Events
There has been no post this week because we had been staying at my mom's house since Tuesday and got home last night. She went to New Jersey so we were staying with her dog and her computer is a total waste of energy and should be thrown out the window (but that is a whole 'nother story) so I didn't even attempt a post. Besides babysitting Elmo, the 80 pound black lab, it also helped that I was there to be at the house while all the insurance adjusters came seeing as my mom's car was driven through the house (the piece of house that is in between the garage doors). Unfortunately, it wasn't my mom that did it (and no, it wasn't me either)!! I will not mention her name as I think she feels bad enough already without the blog world knowing about it too. (And as another side note, my only picture was on my cell phone, so maybe I'll have one to add to this post later). Either way, the guy came to estimate the damage to the house and a different guy came to estimate the car. In addition, the garage door people and the stucco people. The whole point of my story though is that I really hate when workers come to the house and I have to let them inside when I am alone. But at my mom's house I NEVER have to worry about it.....thanks to her dog. Really, Elmo is just the sweetest dog ever, but he DESPISES workers of any kind. So of course I have to put him in the basement when they come because we don't want any law suits on our hands, but really just hearing his bark is totally enough to scare the living crap out of all of them. Even when Elmo is in the basement and barking, it is still loud enough to make them think he is somewhere close by with chompers just waiting to sink into something juicy!!!! But, really, I promise, he is a sweet dog!
See, look at that sweet face!!! Riley, on the other hand, is the official "let me lick your face off, and snuggle up to your leg, welcoming committee" to any person that walks up to our door. A watchdog, she isn't. But she does allow Max to pull her ears, step on her tail, and bash his sippy cup on her head without even a flinch. I think she secretly enjoys it because it is attention that she has severely been lacking these last 3 1/2 years. But, man, did she have the life before Alexis was born. She has really aged in the last few years too. I guess kids do that to everyone....even the dog. I mean she is only 6, but look at these pictures of her.....one from 2005 and one from 2009 and check out her graying hair (I guess she really is a child of Ben's!).
Monday, August 24, 2009
New Inventory
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Not My Child Monday!!!!

Max has not decided that his simple bedtime routine of "drop me in the crib and walk out the door" wasn't working for him anymore. He has not somehow convinced us to spend a little longer by grabbing onto our necks and clawing our shoulders. (Come on, buddy, you have to be simpler than the 30 minute routine Alexis has created!).
Alexis did not poop in her bathing suit while at the pool the other night! After showering off in the bathroom and leaving said bathroom buck naked, she certainly did not want to get back in the pool, naked. (FYI, we were the only people at the pool, thank goodness!!!!). And, no, she did not get back in (for real).
Since I forgot to take Alexis to dance class last week (see an earlier post), I kindly reminded her this morning to remind me that dance was this afternoon. So when I picked her up from school, Alexis did not ask, "mommy, did you bring your brain today so you can take me to dance?".
Max did not pee on the bathroom floor right as he was getting in the bathtub the other day. He would definitely know better than that!!!
Alexis did not somehow convince me while at Chick-Fil-A with a friend to allow her and her friend to go into the play area without the moms. And then she did not fall off the playground and proceed to cry and have some random man bring her out asking who her mother was. I was so NOT that mom that I talk about ALL the time wondering where a kid's parent is. Lesson learned.......
Thursday, August 20, 2009
BabyLand General
Our first trip to the Cabbage Patch Kids birthplace.....BabyLand General Hospital! Yesterday, we drove the hike to Cleveland, GA. Oy, it was a lot farther than expected. But once we got there, it was well worth it for Alexis. She had a grand time. Bubum came with us as well as Devorah, Hadassah, and Yanky. I'll share our big day with you in a photo tour!!!!
Here Alexis is the the premie nursery. Kinda hilarious that they actually have them in little incubators.
Peeking in at the babies that were born today:
She was so intrigued by all the babies "being born" in the Cabbage Patch.
Alexis joined the exhibit and wanted to become a Cabbage Patch Kid.
Max joining the exhibit. (He actually looks like he kinda belongs, especially with that look he has on his face!). If I had to put a quote bubble coming from him, I think it would say, "Really, mom. Some day I'm going to get you back for this".
We even got to see a "real" baby being born out of the patch. Super funny to watch the expression on Lex's face!!!! Wish I had gotten a picture of that.
Afterward, Alexis got to pick out a baby (not from the patch as those were $200-300!!!). She got to name her baby and fill out the birth certificate too! She picked the name Mimi Rachel.
Alexis here is accepting her duties!!!!
Alexis took her oath very seriously as Mimi Rachel has not yet left her side. She slept with her, ate with her, went to time out with her. I mean really EVERYTHING!
Lastly, Bubum wanted so badly to get a picture with all four of the kids. You wouldn't think this was such a hard task unless you've ever been in a room with 4 children under the age of 3 1/2. It is quite the daunting task. Finally, we got everyone is position, but the best photo came out blurry so here is the second best photo.
Afterward, we had a picnic outside. With the minor exception of getting a phone call during lunch from where my grandma lives to say she was missing in action (a whole nother post!), we had a great day!!!
Here Alexis is the the premie nursery. Kinda hilarious that they actually have them in little incubators.
Alexis here is accepting her duties!!!!
Alexis took her oath very seriously as Mimi Rachel has not yet left her side. She slept with her, ate with her, went to time out with her. I mean really EVERYTHING!
Lastly, Bubum wanted so badly to get a picture with all four of the kids. You wouldn't think this was such a hard task unless you've ever been in a room with 4 children under the age of 3 1/2. It is quite the daunting task. Finally, we got everyone is position, but the best photo came out blurry so here is the second best photo.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A "Not Me" Everyday!!!!
I think I could write a Not Me post every day. I could have also saved this one for Monday's post, but I think it is significant enough to warrant it's own post. A couple weeks ago, Alexis started dance back up. We went for the last two weeks. Somehow, this past Monday, I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO TAKE HER. I mean what kind of mother just completely does not remember to take her kid where she needs to be. Especially something that I am paying for!!!! The thought actually did not even occur to me until 4:30am this morning. Then of course I couldn't go back to sleep because I was thinking about how incredibly stupid I am. Oh well, at least there is next Monday.
At least you know this picture wasn't taken on Monday!!!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
New Obsession
I have a new obsession -- Quinoa. Thanks definitely goes out to a friend for introducing me to it back in April because I now get to enjoy it in multiple ways. For those of you who have NO clue what quinoa is, it is an ancient crop that grows in South America. It is not technically a grain, but can substitute for nearly any grain in cooking. Actually the seed of a leafy plant, quinoa’s relatives include spinach and beets. It is rich in protein, iron, potassium and many vitamins and minerals. It is also a good source of dietary fiber and is easily digested.
I have become obsessed with cooking quinoa for it's nutritional value, but also because it is so darn good in so many different ways. I've learned many new recipes including Quinoa with sun dried tomatoes, Quinoa Salad, Quinoa with Hoisin Vegetables, etc. Yummy! Just thought I would share my new love for quinoa. Maybe if you are lucky I'll post my recipes!!!!

I have become obsessed with cooking quinoa for it's nutritional value, but also because it is so darn good in so many different ways. I've learned many new recipes including Quinoa with sun dried tomatoes, Quinoa Salad, Quinoa with Hoisin Vegetables, etc. Yummy! Just thought I would share my new love for quinoa. Maybe if you are lucky I'll post my recipes!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009
Not Me Monday!!!!!!
Yay, it's Monday again to fess up to all those crazy things I did (or didn't) do. You can head over to MckMama's to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. Hmmm....I'm having trouble thinking of all those things I didn't do this week, but I'm sure I'll think of some.
I definitely did not NOT tell the lifeguard when Alexis had a little accident (don't worry, only pee) at the pool near the steps even though I was unsure if she actually got any pee in the pool or just on the deck. I mean, come on, don't tons of kids pee in the pool and not tell.
While at the same said pool, I did not ALMOST lie to the life guard. Apparently, the new rule at our pool is that babies who wear diapers have to have on 3 layers (bathing suit, swim diaper, AND rubber pants). So when he asked if Max had on his 3 layers, I was so not tempted to lie and say "yes". My conscience got the better of me and Ben went home to retrieve a very small pair of rubber pants that we had from when Alexis was about 6 months old. Good thing Max is small!
I did not enter the GAP today to see if this one little dress was on sale for Alexis for the holidays. Because I mean I really have NOT been going in there sporadically every week for the last 6 weeks waiting for it to go on sale. And today....drumroll, please.....it was finally ON SALE. But I definitely did NOT leave there with three dress, one skirt, one pair of pants, one sweatshirt, and one hat for the kids (FYI, Gap had all their sale items for an extra 40% off, and I had a $10 coupon). So, not sooooo bad, right?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Random Comments
Here are a couple random conversations we have had with Alexis over the last few days:
Me: Hey, Lex, why don't you use a fork to eat that?
Alexis: It's just not my thing.
Alexis: Mommy, can we do playdough?
Me: Not right now. We are about to go to the pool.
Alexis: Fine, well, you can't sit next to me anymore.
Alexis sitting on the step outside of the bathtub with only a towel on after Ben gave her a bath and I was in the laundry room.
Alexis: MOMMY!!!!!
Ben: What do you need, Lex? Mommy is in the laundry room and I am right here.
Alexis: No, I need Mommy.
I come in.
Me: Yes, Alexis.
Alexis: Do I need to dry my hair?
Ben: Wow, I really have no authority here do I?
At the pool, Alexis is sitting on the steps.
Alexis: AHHHHH! AHHHHH! AHHHHHHH! said while grabbing her crotch.
Ben: Lex, do you have to go to the bathroom said while picking her up and dragging her out of the pool.
Alexis: Not anymore.
Me: Did she pee in the pool?
Ben: Nope. She pretty much peed on me.
Me: Okay, good to know.
I am cutting and curling a ribbon to tie onto a birthday present.
Alexis: Mommy, can I have a ribbon?
Me: Sure, Lex, here you go.
Alexis ties the ribbon to the doorknob of the door to the garage.
Me: Alexis, why did you tie the ribbon on the doorknob?
Alexis: Because it wasn't pretty.
Me: Hey, Lex, why don't you use a fork to eat that?
Alexis: It's just not my thing.
Alexis: Mommy, can we do playdough?
Me: Not right now. We are about to go to the pool.
Alexis: Fine, well, you can't sit next to me anymore.
Alexis sitting on the step outside of the bathtub with only a towel on after Ben gave her a bath and I was in the laundry room.
Alexis: MOMMY!!!!!
Ben: What do you need, Lex? Mommy is in the laundry room and I am right here.
Alexis: No, I need Mommy.
I come in.
Me: Yes, Alexis.
Alexis: Do I need to dry my hair?
Ben: Wow, I really have no authority here do I?
At the pool, Alexis is sitting on the steps.
Alexis: AHHHHH! AHHHHH! AHHHHHHH! said while grabbing her crotch.
Ben: Lex, do you have to go to the bathroom said while picking her up and dragging her out of the pool.
Alexis: Not anymore.
Me: Did she pee in the pool?
Ben: Nope. She pretty much peed on me.
Me: Okay, good to know.
I am cutting and curling a ribbon to tie onto a birthday present.
Alexis: Mommy, can I have a ribbon?
Me: Sure, Lex, here you go.
Alexis ties the ribbon to the doorknob of the door to the garage.
Me: Alexis, why did you tie the ribbon on the doorknob?
Alexis: Because it wasn't pretty.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Small Things
The view as I was walking hand in hand with my sweet daughter yesterday afternoon:

I realized I was able to look up and see something beautiful......a gorgeously huge rainbow, and I was able to look down and see something beautiful....my sweet little girl. I need to remember to take notice and find something beautiful everywhere I look (up, down, left, right), not just when there is a rainbow in the sky, but when it is cloudy too.
I recently read this "Perhaps having a good life, one that we are satisfied or joyful in, is not measured by how much subjective good there actually is in our lives, but simply in if we look for satisfaction and joy." Click here to see it's source.
We must remember to continue to look for the rainbow even when it's cloudy and raining. I have learned this lesson over and over and over again this last year. While it seems fruitless to look for a rainbow when it's raining, the sun will eventually come out and there just might be a rainbow. During the dark times, if you look for more darkness, that is what you will find, but if you keep searching for the rainbow, eventually something will happen to bring about brighter times.
Thank you, rainbow over the Target parking lot for reminding me. And thank you, Alexis, for always being the sunshine to bring about my own personal rainbow.
I realized I was able to look up and see something beautiful......a gorgeously huge rainbow, and I was able to look down and see something beautiful....my sweet little girl. I need to remember to take notice and find something beautiful everywhere I look (up, down, left, right), not just when there is a rainbow in the sky, but when it is cloudy too.
I recently read this "Perhaps having a good life, one that we are satisfied or joyful in, is not measured by how much subjective good there actually is in our lives, but simply in if we look for satisfaction and joy." Click here to see it's source.
We must remember to continue to look for the rainbow even when it's cloudy and raining. I have learned this lesson over and over and over again this last year. While it seems fruitless to look for a rainbow when it's raining, the sun will eventually come out and there just might be a rainbow. During the dark times, if you look for more darkness, that is what you will find, but if you keep searching for the rainbow, eventually something will happen to bring about brighter times.
Thank you, rainbow over the Target parking lot for reminding me. And thank you, Alexis, for always being the sunshine to bring about my own personal rainbow.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Not Me Monday
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. Since I missed a couple weeks of Not Me Monday!, I guess this is three weeks worth of things I didn't do.
I did not let Max miss his nap two days in a row just to go to the water park and to story time. I mean at least if I let him miss a nap it's for a good reason.
I did not skip Max's bath just this morning because I thought he was having a good hair day without a bath.
I surely would not have skimped on cleaning the house because no one has been coming by to look anyway only to have someone call me while I was out saying they'd be by in 30 minutes. (Oops! I guess I learned my lesson!).
I did not put Max to sleep in a onesie for three nights simply because he had no clean pajamas. (At least, I didn't just take dirty ones out of the hamper!). And I definitely would not still have not done the laundry (we have plenty more onesies)!
I did not let Max pass out without trying to stop him while on the airplane to spare everyone's sanity. I think about 150 people were glad I did "not" do that. I mean, if he's going to hold his breath and pass out because he's mad, there isn't a whole lot I can do about it anyway.
I did not switch Alexis's dance class time because it was miserable for me to have Max there with me during his nap time and miserable for me afterward because Alexis didn't get her nap on time. Who likes kids without naps anyway? Not me!
I did not let Max miss his nap two days in a row just to go to the water park and to story time. I mean at least if I let him miss a nap it's for a good reason.
I did not skip Max's bath just this morning because I thought he was having a good hair day without a bath.
I surely would not have skimped on cleaning the house because no one has been coming by to look anyway only to have someone call me while I was out saying they'd be by in 30 minutes. (Oops! I guess I learned my lesson!).
I did not put Max to sleep in a onesie for three nights simply because he had no clean pajamas. (At least, I didn't just take dirty ones out of the hamper!). And I definitely would not still have not done the laundry (we have plenty more onesies)!
I did not let Max pass out without trying to stop him while on the airplane to spare everyone's sanity. I think about 150 people were glad I did "not" do that. I mean, if he's going to hold his breath and pass out because he's mad, there isn't a whole lot I can do about it anyway.
I did not switch Alexis's dance class time because it was miserable for me to have Max there with me during his nap time and miserable for me afterward because Alexis didn't get her nap on time. Who likes kids without naps anyway? Not me!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Just a quick little note to say please comment if you are reading a posting. I have no idea if anyone is reading or not. I will keep writing anyway, but I'd love to know who's keeping up!!!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Maxwell Jackson
I was going to put this in the last post about the wedding, but I really thought it deserved its own posting. Maxwell loves to dance and Ben loves to mess with Max so the result of hearing a Michael Jackson song is the newest music/dance mogul......Maxwell Jackson!
The Unflower Girl
The main purpose of our trip up North was for my cousin's wedding in which Alexis was the flower girl. We practiced and practiced walking up and down our pretend aisle holding our invisible basket and tossing our imaginary flowers. The big day came and Alexis was so pumped up. She looked absolutely fabulous!
She was so excited to be the flower girl and wear a big fluffy white dress just like Marisa. We arrived in the bridal suite and she was just in awe!!!
But as time ticked by and more and more unfamiliar faces began to appear, she started to get cold feet. She would not take any of the professional pictures. Here she is screaming while trying to get a bridal party picture:
After pictures, she was still very serious about her job of putting flowers down for Marisa. She stayed back with my mom while I went to sit up front so she could walk to me. She made it about 1/4 of the way down the aisle before realizing that 200 people were staring at her. She turned around and bolted for the back door.
I had to chase her down and drag her down the aisle. She still wouldn't throw the petals, so guess who threw them for her.....yup, me! I'm a bit old to be a flower girl, but I think I did a pretty good job.
After the trauma of the aisle, once the party began, she was ready to boogie down. And boogie down she did....ALL AFTERNOON. I don't think she left the dance floor at all.
She and Max were just too adorable!!

I think they both had a fabulous time! Even though Max was the only one to actually demonstrate his exhaustion, I think we all felt like this afterwards:
After the trauma of the aisle, once the party began, she was ready to boogie down. And boogie down she did....ALL AFTERNOON. I don't think she left the dance floor at all.
I think they both had a fabulous time! Even though Max was the only one to actually demonstrate his exhaustion, I think we all felt like this afterwards:
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