Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. Since I missed a couple weeks of Not Me Monday!, I guess this is three weeks worth of things I didn't do.
I did not let Max miss his nap two days in a row just to go to the water park and to story time. I mean at least if I let him miss a nap it's for a good reason.
I did not skip Max's bath just this morning because I thought he was having a good hair day without a bath.
I surely would not have skimped on cleaning the house because no one has been coming by to look anyway only to have someone call me while I was out saying they'd be by in 30 minutes. (Oops! I guess I learned my lesson!).
I did not put Max to sleep in a onesie for three nights simply because he had no clean pajamas. (At least, I didn't just take dirty ones out of the hamper!). And I definitely would not still have not done the laundry (we have plenty more onesies)!
I did not let Max pass out without trying to stop him while on the airplane to spare everyone's sanity. I think about 150 people were glad I did "not" do that. I mean, if he's going to hold his breath and pass out because he's mad, there isn't a whole lot I can do about it anyway.
I did not switch Alexis's dance class time because it was miserable for me to have Max there with me during his nap time and miserable for me afterward because Alexis didn't get her nap on time. Who likes kids without naps anyway? Not me!
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