I realized I was able to look up and see something beautiful......a gorgeously huge rainbow, and I was able to look down and see something beautiful....my sweet little girl. I need to remember to take notice and find something beautiful everywhere I look (up, down, left, right), not just when there is a rainbow in the sky, but when it is cloudy too.
I recently read this "Perhaps having a good life, one that we are satisfied or joyful in, is not measured by how much subjective good there actually is in our lives, but simply in if we look for satisfaction and joy." Click here to see it's source.
We must remember to continue to look for the rainbow even when it's cloudy and raining. I have learned this lesson over and over and over again this last year. While it seems fruitless to look for a rainbow when it's raining, the sun will eventually come out and there just might be a rainbow. During the dark times, if you look for more darkness, that is what you will find, but if you keep searching for the rainbow, eventually something will happen to bring about brighter times.
Thank you, rainbow over the Target parking lot for reminding me. And thank you, Alexis, for always being the sunshine to bring about my own personal rainbow.
Michelle-- Beautifully said-- I hope that all of you have many more "rainbow" days ahead!!!