Our first trip to the Cabbage Patch Kids birthplace.....BabyLand General Hospital! Yesterday, we drove the hike to Cleveland, GA. Oy, it was a lot farther than expected. But once we got there, it was well worth it for Alexis. She had a grand time. Bubum came with us as well as Devorah, Hadassah, and Yanky. I'll share our big day with you in a photo tour!!!!
Here Alexis is the the premie nursery. Kinda hilarious that they actually have them in little incubators.

Peeking in at the babies that were born today:

She was so intrigued by all the babies "being born" in the Cabbage Patch.

Alexis joined the exhibit and wanted to become a Cabbage Patch Kid.

Max joining the exhibit. (He actually looks like he kinda belongs, especially with that look he has on his face!). If I had to put a quote bubble coming from him, I think it would say, "Really, mom. Some day I'm going to get you back for this".

We even got to see a "real" baby being born out of the patch. Super funny to watch the expression on Lex's face!!!! Wish I had gotten a picture of that.

Afterward, Alexis got to pick out a baby (not from the patch as those were $200-300!!!). She got to name her baby and fill out the birth certificate too! She picked the name Mimi Rachel.
Alexis here is accepting her duties!!!!
Alexis took her oath very seriously as Mimi Rachel has not yet left her side. She slept with her, ate with her, went to time out with her. I mean really EVERYTHING!
Lastly, Bubum wanted so badly to get a picture with all four of the kids. You wouldn't think this was such a hard task unless you've ever been in a room with 4 children under the age of 3 1/2. It is quite the daunting task. Finally, we got everyone is position, but the best photo came out blurry so here is the second best photo.

Afterward, we had a picnic outside. With the minor exception of getting a phone call during lunch from where my grandma lives to say she was missing in action (a whole nother post!), we had a great day!!!
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