Welcome to the fun of our world where crazy things are said on a daily basis! We are just trying to chronicle our lives so we have a modern day diary/baby books/family history. And it might provide some entertainment too!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Alexis and Nap Time
Alexis and nap time used to be BFF. I mean BFF in the sense that she would take 3 hour naps like a champ. Unusual for a 3 1/2 year old? Yes! But appreciated by mommy? Yes, yes, and YES!!!! Alexis treasured her nap time and could not function without it. However, for the last 5 days, she has not napped (this does not mean that she has functioned either, just ask us around 7:00pm each night). But she still goes to her room during Max's nap and usually reads books in her bed or plays with Claw (her imaginary friend and a whole 'nother post!). But today her "nap" time took on a whole new meaning. And by new meaning I mean nap time became "let me trash my room, take every book of my bookshelf and build a road with it, and play with every toy without putting it away" time. Here are the damages:
This would be her floor covered in all the books from her shelf which she herself deemed to be a "road" on which she of course leap frogged from one book to the next and was quite proud of herself and her accomplishments.
And here is her bed covered with dolls, blankets, toys, and whatever else she could get her cute little hands on. If you don't know me well, you might not know that I am a NEAT FREAK. I hate when rooms are messy and my motto is "everything has a place". Just ask Ben how annoying I am and how often things he wants get thrown away. Imagine how much it pained me to actually leave the house tonight to go to my mom's for dinner without cleaning it up! GASP!!!! But rest assured that once I got home, her room once again looks like this:
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