We decided on Sunday to take a trip to the apple orchards. We also decided to take a DVD player in the car so that the long trip wouldn't be so painful. But of course, Max is still facing backwards because he has barely crossed the 20 pound mark and we decided to leave him backwards for a little longer, so he would not be able to see the DVD player. So Ben and I decided to make the milestone and turn him around. He was hilarious just looking around with these big eyes for a while.

We drove about 1 1/2 hours to get there which with a small 3 year old's bladder always makes for an interesting trip. We were about 10 miles away when Alexis states that she has to pee. I decide that she can hold it. We get about 8 miles away (out of all civilization) and she starts crying that she can't hold it. So we pull off the side of the road and she pees behind a small brick tower. Of course, Ben decides to take a picture, but he missed the action so here is the after shot.

Finally we arrive. The first thing we do is take a "hay" ride. But, hay rides are not what I remember them to be from when I was a kid. I remember a whole wagon FULL of hay that you sat on and played around in. This hay ride was a bench with bales of hay under it. But, nonetheless, it was fun.

Then we went to the petting farm. The petting farm including sheep, goats, a pig, turkeys, chickens, and rabbits.

Maxwell liked the "petting" part of the farm a lot better than Alexis who liked to walk up close enough to the animals but not close enough to touch them. Although, she did pet this baby goat I think. She would claim she wanted to feed them, get some food in her hand, and then as soon as the animal got close enough to eat it, she would throw the food on the floor. But my mom did like getting up close and personal!

After the petting zoo, we finally made it to the orchards. Of course as soon as Max saw the apples all he wanted to do was eat one. So I let him. Yup, right off the tree. I'm not sure if that was against the rules and I know it wasn't clean, but, hey, it was fun. And it sure beat the knock down drag out fit he would have thrown if he couldn't eat one.

Alexis did enjoy picking apples that were low enough for her to reach, but the real thrill and challenge was being able to pick one that was high up. She had this idea before we got there that there would be ladders there (she must have read about apple picking somewhere because I have no idea where she got this from). When we broke the news that there were no ladders, she decided to make her own.

Here are a few other highlights!!!!

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