Ahhhh......finally unpacked from our trip, but now it's time to share the memories. We left late Friday night, our flight was at 8:30....bedtime. Which could have gone one of two ways---really good (Max would sleep the whole time) or really bad (Max would scream the whole time). We actually fell somewhere in the middle because he cried for about 10 minutes on take off and landing, but slept in between. When we finally arrived at the hotel it was midnight and the kids literally collapsed into their respective beds. Max in his pack n play and Alexis in her bed. The only problem was that Alexis was "afraid" to sleep in the bed by herself. It did not seem to matter to her that I would be in the bed right next to her. So I slept in bed with her. It was such a pleasant night for me.......getting kicked in the face (yes, somehow she ended up backwards in bed), getting laid on all night, and listening to Max suck his fingers all night. So I was really well rested on Saturday. Saturday morning we went to a breakfast/lunch place where Alexis got to eat her very first Rainbow Bagel.

Then we went to a Children's Museum which was AWESOME. We could have spent well over the two hours that we were there. We got to visit the Rainforest where Alexis played with gorillas and Max dressed up like an little expedition man!

Then we went to the Healthy Kids exhibit where Dr. Needle got to clown around. She morphed into a dentist, a doctor, an ambulance driver, a healthy shopper, an exerciser, etc.

We also decided to see how many weird places we could put Max. He was inside the giant mouth, inside drawers, on shelves. He didn't even really seem to mind.

Next we made it to the TV area where you could experiment with a green screen, but they didn't really think it was as cool as Ben and I did!!!!

But they did like the construction zone. Of course Alexis waited until it cleared out before she would go in the building, but Max was a maniac.

Finally we made it to the water play area which was awesome. It had a stream where you could send boats down, a whirlpool that you could send balls down and they would spit out the other side, a table where you could make water into steam, and a weather exhibit. I think we thought it was cooler than the kids did.

And then outside was a whole 'nother play area! Just not enough time!!!! I remember when I was a kid my brother had tinker toys. All different shape plastic blocks that could interlink. Well, this place had a collection of life-size tinker toys. Alexis went to town building a bridge and a small city, while Max ran around with a noodle lookin' thing slapping it around everywhere. Very fitting.

It really was time to be at our next destination, but we figured it was going to be impossible to get Alexis out of there without a complete fit. Thankfully we have some bratty and obnoxious kids to thank for helping make her transition easier. Some kids started stealing all of her blocks so she got mad, cried, and said she wanted to leave. Perfect!
For the next installment, tune in later :)
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