Friday, June 24, 2011

A Little Bit of Redneck

There is a little bit of redneck in all of us. Some a little more than others! Last week on our trip, some of Ben's inner redneck came out and therefore projected on our children. One of his passions is fishing and he seizes any opportunity near water. The kids enjoyed several mornings fishing on the lake.

One such morning though it was raining. A little rain never stopped him. Ben fashioned some super duper redneck rain gear for them to sport.

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Looming Father's Day

This is the third Father's day without having my dad here to celebrate with. When the first one came around in 2009, I figured that each one would get easier. It was so awful that it could only get better. I was wrong. In fact, in so many ways, each one gets harder. It's been one more year of things he missed, one more year that my children missed out, one more year of time since I saw him last. I am so grateful for him and every day I learn a little more about how lucky I was. I hear so many stories or witness so people who had less than ideal fathers to grow up with or have stories of when their dad let them down. Probably many of those people had or will have 60 less than ideal years or more of time with their dads. But my dad was nothing short of amazing for almost 28. I never could have appreciated all he was and all he did if he were still here. Because I took it all for granted in the moment. I also know that Ben is exactly the same kind of father that my dad was. As his wife, I appreciate it more than as a daughter. I will also make sure that my kids appreciate it as much as I did and more. As a daughter, I knew how important my dad was, but as a wife I am ever so much more thankful that Ben can give my children what I had. We always want more for our kids than we had for ourselves even if we had everything (which I did). It would be hard to exceed what my childhood was like. I had two amazing parents who were ever present in my life, who loved unconditionally, who were involved, who cared about where I was and who I was with, who never missed a school event, sport event, or even a family dinner. I had two parents who loved each other unconditionally and gave me an example of a marriage that I could strive to find a match with whom I could emulate it. I had parents who worked hard so I could have what I needed, but also made me work so I could learn the value of things. I had two parents who made decisions for my benefit but also trusted me enough to make some for myself. I can't even imagine a better life than the one I had. Except now I get to live it all again, but this time as one of those parents. Even though I couldn't imagine it better or couldn't imagine how to make it better, I want to try. My kids are already missing the opportunity for an Opa who would have been at every preschool party known as the goofy grandpa who was always silly and crazy, at every dance recital behind his camera taking a gazillion pictures, at every baseball game cheering the loudest, at every cheerleading exhibition after which he would make up a new crazy cheer, and every award ceremony wearing a big proud smile. An Opa who would have played on the floor with them, swung them in the air, painted and colored pictures with them for hours, danced with Alexis, thrown a ball with Max, and giggled with Maizy. He and Max would have been inseparable. They are two of a kind. Max has his hair, his short legs, sense of humor, mischievous mind, and loud laugh. But Max has no memory with which to compare himself. Oddly enough though Max talks about him often. When he draws pictures, he often includes him. And every time he mentions him in passing, I smile in amazement because I know that since his memory from when he was two months could not possibly remember him, it means I might be doing my job. Making him such a part of out lives that Maizy who never even met him will include him. For now, I just miss what they don't even know that they are missing. I had it, and I want it for them too. I know he would only make their lives better so Ben and I have to pull double duty. I only hope that in 20 something years my kids will say the same things about us that I can say about my parents. I thank my mom and my dad for giving me a gift that I can pass down to my children and hopefully my grandchildren. And the gift is knowing what an amazing parent is so that I can hopefully be that to them and for them to be one to their children. My dad often said that you will only know if you are/were a good parent by observing your grandchildren. So I hope somewhere he is watching his grandchildren and that Alexis, Max, and Maizy are showing him what an amazing parent he was.

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Love at Births Sight

An exact month after Maizy was born, her friend Jarrett was born. His mom, Stephanie, one of my best friends, and I decided they were an item. It's pretty much a non negotiable decision since we know we'd like our in laws! So they have already had several dates before they are even one year old. Here is one of their first dates:

I think they were around 3 and 4 months old here. They pretty much decided at this point that it was meant to be so here was date #2:

Then true love began to blossom. They know that they will go to separate preschools but know that they can endure the long distance relationship. After a few more chaperoned dates, we decided to let them out of the confines of our homes and into public.

They even share toys well together. I guess when you really love someone you'll do anything for them.

She even lets him see her in a bathing suit!!!!!

The wedding date will actually be July 2034 so be there or be square!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pool Progress

Alexis and Max have been taking swimming lessons and have made some incredible progress. For Alexis it was all about overcoming the fear. For Max it was all about a power struggle. Yup, that pretty much sums them up. Here the crazies are:

YouTube Video

And here is what Maizy thinks about the pool:

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Healthy Cheer

Alexis has been in her glory at cheerleading camp this week so Max has to figure out a way to entertain himself. Without his favorite playmate, he is a little lost. On wednesday, he had to endure playing at my office for a little while. I guess he wore himself out though because he fell asleep on our 10 minute ride to get Lexi. We picked her up and on the way home, Alexis was informing us about her day. We heard all about the jumps and cheers and games. Then she looks very serious and says that she had to eat chocolate Teddy bears for a snack because there were no healthy choices. I love that about her!!!! She loves being healthy and always asks me if something is good for her body. Her ballet teacher often talks about being healthy and eating well and we do talk about it at home too but a lot of it is on her own. The next day she came home and even remembered some of her dance and was quite obliging to show anyone who would watch and a few who didn't watch. She then says, "I had potato chips today for snack. Is that healthier than chocolate Teddy Grahams?". We discussed how it was okay to eat what they gave her and once in a while all that stuff is fine because we try to eat well on a regular basis. She is just so darn cute! And today I made kale chips and she was quite the fan!

Here is our little cheerleader (and a healthy one at that!)!!!

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