Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday Events

Alexis had dance again this morning and is really doing well. She is actually participating, although her balance and precision are a bit off! But for a three year old, I'd say she's doing great. Here she is dressed as Peter Rabbit as that was the theme today:

And here she is in her tap outfit:
Maxwell was finally well enough to make it to Scottish Rite today to get his blood taken. First, we arrived and had to check-in. At registration, Max was being very chatty trying to get everyone in the entire waiting room to acknowledge him. His kind sister kept telling him, "Max, you are being TOO loud." At least, she does my job for me. Once we got to the lab, he had numbing cream applied to his arms so that he hopefully wouldn't feel the needle. We, then, had to wait 30 minutes for it to take effect. Finally, his arms were nice and tingly, and it was his turn. Apparently, the numbing cream works REALLY well. The nurse had to stick him a few times before his blood started flowing. Because he only weighs 16 pounds, she could only take 11 cc's of blood, but we needed more than that for all the tests so we thought we were going to have to come back again, but luckily, she took an extra 3cc's and made it stretch so we don't have to do that. They did have to use both arms though to get enough. He didn't cry at all and Alexis was amazed! She was completely enthralled by watching his blood go into the vials. Maybe she'll be a doctor....or a vampire. Here is a picture of little Max and his band-aided arms. Please excuse his crazy hair. He decided to paint his head with sweet potato at dinner.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fun-Filled Day....Not

Yesterday, Max had a weight check at the doctor's office. He weighed 15 pounds, 15 ounces which still doesn't put him on the chart, but we are not really worried. Maybe they need to redo the chart since my children never appear to be on it. The more worrisome issue is that Max still isn't going to the bathroom even with the olive oil in his food and Miralax. So we probably have to take a trip to the GI, but before we can do that, we have to get some bloodwork done. So after cutting through the redtape with our insurance company and getting the approval to go to Scottish Rite, we left the office with the intent to head to Scottish Rite this morning. (BTW, Max was the picture of perfect health yesterday.) Last night, Alexis woke up in the middle of the night saying her ear hurt, and Max woke up this morning with 102 fever and the most horrendous cough. So, needless to say, we did not make it to Scottish Rite, and, instead, made a trip back to the pediatrician. Turns out, Alexis, indeed, has an ear infection along with her usual wheezing and coughing, and Max has croup. Poor Alexis had to miss her playdate with her little best friend, and we all three got to spend some time crying, cranky, and tired. And, yes, all three of us were crying, cranky, and tired!!! We've had an awesome day (hear the sarcasm). Especially when I think about the three copays I had to make in two days. On the bright side, we seemed to have caught Max's croup early enough and it appears to be better with just one dose of steroids. I'm sure I'll have another update after we actually make it down to Scottish Rite for another traumatizing day for Maxwell.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More Funny Alexis Comments

Alexis had dance class today where the theme was Alice in Wonderland. She got to dress up like Alice and actually did a really great job dancing today. Unfortunately for two of the little girls in there, they had to miss half of recital practice. Ms. Lisa had to bring them out to their mommies for time-out because they weren't listening and after three chances they had to come sit out for a little while. When class was over, I asked Alexis what happened with these two girls and she said, "well, they weren't being good listeners and they were jiggling". One might ask, what is jiggling? And no, they were not overweight girls jumping around. Well, "jiggling",apparently, is Alexis's attempt at learning a new word.....giggling. Ha!

Alexis has also developed an affinity for rhyming. It is her new favorite game to play in the car. She asks me to give her a word and then she comes up with a word (real and nonsense) that rhymes. Sometimes, however, she gets confused and will give a related word instead of a word that rhymes. So today, we were playing our new game and the word I gave her was "boo", so she says "Haman". I guess she really is learning at school!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Max's First Word

Max has been using his first word for about a week or two now. We weren't quite so sure at first, but now that he is saying it a bit more consistently, we can say for sure. It's so adorable in his little southern accent....."hi". Every time I see him after not seeing him for a while (such as when he naps!) and then he see me he says it. SO CUTE!!!! I remember Alexis's first word was "no", so I like "hi" a lot better. At least, it makes me not be so concerned about the future and how many no's I've heard since then from her. I can deal with a lot of hi's. This stage is so much fun. I'm sure he is learning a lot from his big sister who has informed us that she is his "big sister mommy" because she is his big sister, but she "likes to be his mommy too". If only she could actually do things like carry him, feed him, and do his laundry. She does do her fair share though so I really can't complain.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Alexis's Brilliant Comments

Many people I'm sure experience the same problem with their pet once children are born into the equation. Riley, who used to be our Queen, showered with attention and love, has gradually over the last three years, lost her spotlight. About 2 years ago, she decided that when she was mad at us, she would pee outside the bathroom door downstairs (despite the fact that she has a doggie door and can go outside whenever she pleases). So I thought, well, I'll teach her.....I put up a gate so she couldn't get to that area. Well, actually, she taught me.....because then she kept peeing next to the gate and all along the neighboring wall. We got tired of paying all the time for someone to come clean the carpets so finally for Hanukkah this year we asked for something totally outrageous.....a steam cleaner! Ben has used it numerous times, but since she continues to pee there on a regular basis, there always seems to be a spot that needs to be done. Yesterday, I asked Ben if it was a pain to bust out the steam cleaner for just one spot because I found looking at this one particular spot really annoying. So my little darling Alexis overhears and tells me in her 'tude, "Well, then stop looking at it". Followed up by her walking over to it, putting her foot over it, and saying, "here, I'll hide it for you". Thanks, Alexis!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Weather Tease

Since we had so many beautiful days in a row, Alexis and Max got their new swingset put up. They had the best time swinging and sliding, but the weather didn't last too long. Now I have to hear the whines every day......"can I go outside"..... and the big disappointment...."aw, man!".....when i say that it's too cold and raining. At least Max isn't old enough to put up much of a fight. Either way, we are grateful to Ben and Hank for putting up the swingset. Here are some pictures of the fun:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

All the Single Ladies

So driving in the car the other day, I mischievously had 99.7 on the radio instead of one of Alexis's incredibly cute, yet incredibly annoying CDs. I thought I had made it all the way home without her noticing (score...one victory for me!). Then we got out of the car and Alexis was singing, which is not unusual for her at all. Usually the song is something from school such as "give give tzedakah every day" or "zum gali gali" or something from one of her CDs such as "A Whole New World". But today was different. Alexis busts out with "all the single ladies, all the single ladies, oh oh oh, oh oh oh, all the single ladies". It took a moment to register with me, but I soon realized that my little baby was singing Beyonce! Now of course she loves to sing it over and over again. Yesterday, we were driving in the car yet again (this time a CD was on...I guess I learned my lesson), and Alexis took the hair clip out of her hair, tossed her head around so her hair was a bit disheveled, and said, "I'm Beyonce". We busted out laughing!!! If only she knew she has the wrong skin-tone for a look-like!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Teething Torture

While I've never actually been tortured (you know...water boarding, etc.), I imagine this is what it would feel like. Dealing with a teething child. Max only recently got his first tooth and we saw little to no evidence of teething. We preemptively decided that teething was not going to bother Max. Unfortunately, we were wrong...dead wrong. Max's gums on the bottom next to the newly erupted tooth had been looking a little puffy the last few days, but other than that no symptoms were evident. Until yesterday. Then, out of nowhere, Max turned into a snotty hot mess. But of course I can't wipe his nose because he hates it, gets mad, holds his breath, and passes out. So I have to leave him and his snot to their own devices. He has become that kid walking around the grocery store with snot pouring out his nose that every time I walk by I think "GROSS...why can't that inept mother wipe her kid's nose". I have now become that mother. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I have also become that mother that I always scoff at who lets their kid be out in public with a soaking wet shirt. My comment was always "just change the dumb thing if it's so wet". I now understand....what is the point? How many shirts can a kid go through in a day? In addition to the lake that is primarily composed of snot that we have been collecting and the pile of wet laundry, he has become an inconsolable, sleepless disaster. Like I said....torture. Let's only hope that damn tooth comes up soon and we can all just be little happier.