I have really meant to update like 4 different times with various Alexis comments, but I keep forgetting them before I am able to post them. Well, here is one from yesterday......
Ben took Alexis and Max to the grocery store. In the checkout line, Alexis kept pushing the cart. Ben says, "Alexis, stop pushing the cart or you are going to hit the guy in front of us". Alexis responds, "That's not a guy dad, it's a guy-girl". Clearly, she knew it was not a girl, but was unsure if it was a guy either. So she improvised! When I asked Ben to describe this guy-girl to me, he said that "he" had long corn rows pulled back into a pony tail, was a little feminine, and was totally wearing women's pants". Well, I can totally see where she got guy-girl from. Let's just hope that she doesn't ever say it where that individual can hear her.
Welcome to the fun of our world where crazy things are said on a daily basis! We are just trying to chronicle our lives so we have a modern day diary/baby books/family history. And it might provide some entertainment too!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Cry Baby Cry
Wahoo!!!! Bama beat the jean short wearing Gators! Better known as the Jort Nation, the GAYtors lost! The game was quite exciting to watch, but the real excitement came after the game ended.
The real excitement was snapping this picture of the television set. Big T crying like a little baby! Nothing better than seeing the Gators lose and lose badly :) While the Dawgs couldn't make the fight, Bama took a stand for us. Roll Tide!
FYI, I would never utter the words "Roll Tide" unless they were playing Florida! Don't worry, Dawgs, you are still my number 1!

FYI, I would never utter the words "Roll Tide" unless they were playing Florida! Don't worry, Dawgs, you are still my number 1!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Wonderous Alexis Moments
I know, I know, I have slacked off a little. And if I don't write a post immediately it's hard to remember all the funny things said and done in our household. So, if I recall anything else, I'll be sure to post again. But today, two funny things came out of Alexis's mouth.
This morning we left for school relatively on time. We are about 8 minutes down the road and Alexis screams out "MOMMMMMYYYYYY.......I HAVE NO SHOES ON!". You may wonder how I could put a child in the car with no shoes on so I will now back up and let you in on how this could have happened. Alexis usually 9 1/2 times out of 10 takes her shoes off in the car and then won't put them back on when we get home so they usually reside in the car until she has to wear them again. So I asked her foolishly where her pink shoes were, and she said "in the car". So naturally, I believed her. I got Max all buckled in, then I got Lex all buckled in. Then, go to grab her shoes, but there were NO shoes in the car. So I say, "okay, Lex, I don't know where your pink shoes are so I'll just grab your sparkly shoes when I go back in to grab my drink, her backpack, and my bag." "Ok, mom". I go back inside, grab her backpack, my bag, and my drink, get in the car and drive away. Fast forward 8 minutes down the road, and then you know what happened. So we turn around. Alexis screams again, "BUT MOM, I DON'T WANT TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL". Well, Alexis, you can't go to school with no shoes on my friend. "BUT THEY WILL DO STUFF WITHOUT ME AND THEN I WILL MISS IT". I'm sorry, baby, but you won't be that late I promise. "OKAY WELL DRIVE FAST". Okay, Lex, I'll do what I can. "BUT PLEASE DON'T CRASH". Yup, that's my plan.
The other funny incident occured in the first 5 minutes of the car ride, prior to the shoe incident. There is a church on the corner that every year has a Bethlehem Walk. So it's apparently this weekend and next weekend. They have a big truck out front advertising. On the truck is a cartoon like drawing of three men dressed in "garb" riding camels. As we pass by, Alexis says, "Hey, mom, is that the Macabees?" Ummmm, no Lex, not the Macabees. "Well, is that what the Macabees look like?" Well, probably. I love how she learns things at school and then applies it to her every day life. And of course, has no idea that there certainly would not be Macabees at a church!!!!!
I really should just start carrying a digital recorder with me so I could track ALL the things that come out of her mouth. I'm sure she would appreciate it one day. Oh, and, since it was raining this morning on my way home, I did not stop and take a picture of the truck with the "Macabees", but you better believe I will so I can add it to this post!!!!!!
Here is the photo. It's a little hard to see with the tree in the way, but you get the idea.
This morning we left for school relatively on time. We are about 8 minutes down the road and Alexis screams out "MOMMMMMYYYYYY.......I HAVE NO SHOES ON!". You may wonder how I could put a child in the car with no shoes on so I will now back up and let you in on how this could have happened. Alexis usually 9 1/2 times out of 10 takes her shoes off in the car and then won't put them back on when we get home so they usually reside in the car until she has to wear them again. So I asked her foolishly where her pink shoes were, and she said "in the car". So naturally, I believed her. I got Max all buckled in, then I got Lex all buckled in. Then, go to grab her shoes, but there were NO shoes in the car. So I say, "okay, Lex, I don't know where your pink shoes are so I'll just grab your sparkly shoes when I go back in to grab my drink, her backpack, and my bag." "Ok, mom". I go back inside, grab her backpack, my bag, and my drink, get in the car and drive away. Fast forward 8 minutes down the road, and then you know what happened. So we turn around. Alexis screams again, "BUT MOM, I DON'T WANT TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL". Well, Alexis, you can't go to school with no shoes on my friend. "BUT THEY WILL DO STUFF WITHOUT ME AND THEN I WILL MISS IT". I'm sorry, baby, but you won't be that late I promise. "OKAY WELL DRIVE FAST". Okay, Lex, I'll do what I can. "BUT PLEASE DON'T CRASH". Yup, that's my plan.
The other funny incident occured in the first 5 minutes of the car ride, prior to the shoe incident. There is a church on the corner that every year has a Bethlehem Walk. So it's apparently this weekend and next weekend. They have a big truck out front advertising. On the truck is a cartoon like drawing of three men dressed in "garb" riding camels. As we pass by, Alexis says, "Hey, mom, is that the Macabees?" Ummmm, no Lex, not the Macabees. "Well, is that what the Macabees look like?" Well, probably. I love how she learns things at school and then applies it to her every day life. And of course, has no idea that there certainly would not be Macabees at a church!!!!!
I really should just start carrying a digital recorder with me so I could track ALL the things that come out of her mouth. I'm sure she would appreciate it one day. Oh, and, since it was raining this morning on my way home, I did not stop and take a picture of the truck with the "Macabees", but you better believe I will so I can add it to this post!!!!!!
Here is the photo. It's a little hard to see with the tree in the way, but you get the idea.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
We have recently wondered if making your children do things against their will for your entertainment falls under the category of torture. We did not come to a conclusion, so for now, we will continue to revel in making them do things for our enjoyment. Recently, we took the kids to UGA for the game. Not Max's first game, as he came to several last year, but certainly the first game where he was capable of participating and being aware of his surroundings. He actually did quite well and really enjoyed it. Well......most of it. We graciously accepted tickets for the kids from friend which put our seat basically on the 40 yard line about 50 rows up from the field. And since this friend and Uncle Mark were on the field for Homecoming we decided to take a walk down to the cheerleading area to see them and say hi. Every game there is a group of totally insane guys who paint their entire bodies to show their spirit. We thought it would be great to get a picture of the kids with these guys. We asked Alexis if she wanted to get a picture. She quickly responded, "NO". She is getting a little too old to force into submission for photo ops. So, we don't ask Max. We just act. And here was the result:
The face of pure terror. While there is no picture of our faces, they were of smiles and laughter. So is that torture?
Here are a couple other highlights from the game.

The face of pure terror. While there is no picture of our faces, they were of smiles and laughter. So is that torture?
Here are a couple other highlights from the game.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
In Love with Love
Did you ever even know that was possible....to be in love with love? I didn't until I had two kids. Sure, I know what love is and it's completely amazing. Example #1: my incredible husband whom I am totally in love with. But what I'm talking about is being in love with how much two other people love each other. And these two people I'm talking about are my two kids. It is just about the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I'm sure as they get older their share of sibling rivalry will surface, but for right now they adore each other. And I am in love with how much they love each other. She worries about him, he looks at her with enamored eyes, she teaches him, he follows her, etc. Their latest incident was riding in the car the other day. They have recently moved to the "way back" or the 3rd row of the car. This puts their carseats much closer together. Before, in the middle row, Alexis was able to hand him Goldfish or other necessities, but that was about as close as they got. But now, they are close enough to ride in the car holding hands. And yes, that is how they now ride in the car. See.....in love with love!
This picture was not posed, requested, or forced. This is how they are. It's a beautiful thing!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
This One Takes the Cake
As you know, Alexis has not really been napping anymore, but still going to her room while Max naps for some "alone" time. Really that translates to "mommy" alone time, but, hey, who's keeping track???? Well, today was no exception and Alexis went willingly into her room and was playing in there by herself. She used to wear a pull up to nap because she can't seem to hold it in while sleeping, but since she has not been sleeping, we make sure she pees before going into her room and she keeps her underwear on. I leave her room with her happily playing and go to the computer. After about 30 minutes, I hear her freaking out. This is not unusual so I wait it out a few minutes. She is continuing to freak out. So I go and open her door and I'm hit with a very foul odor. I ask Alexis, "Did you poop?" She says, "Yes". But then I remember that I did not put a pull up on her. And then I do a double take and look at her and see that she is no longer wearing her tights, skirt, and underwear, but she has a pull up on. Hmmmm...... "Alexis, did you put that pull up on?" "Yes", she says. Um, okay, why? "Because I had to poop". Um, okay, did you not think about coming out of your room and going to the bathroom. "Yes, but you told me to stay in my room". Don't you just love the literal nature of 3 year olds. Wow, taught me a lesson as I'm changing her. Hey, Alexis, do me a favor.....next time LEAVE YOUR ROOM.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Preschool Scholar
Alexis loves to learn. She basically soaks it up. After playing at her friend's house last week, she witnessed her older brother and sister having to do homework. She also attended my mom's school (a home school for children with special needs) two days last week while I had a meeting and she had a day off of her "real" school. These two experiences led her to an epiphany. Alexis decided that she needed to do homework. So she made me buy her a homework book, which basically is like a little preschool work book. And all she wanted to do this afternoon was "homework". She begged me not to nap so she could do more. And every time I said it was the last page, she would try to negotiate for another. Finally, I convinced her that it was time to go to her room to relax. She looks up at me and says "Mom, thank you for doing homework with me. I really loved it." Wow......school here we come!!!!!
Connecticut - Part 2
To continue relaying our adventures.....
Sunday was a fabulous day in Connecticut. They actually have the season of Fall there and everything was so beautiful with all the trees in colors and leaves on the ground. It was great seeing everyone. Here are a couple highlights from the day.....
Alexis and Jessica.......Jessica loved having a "little" girl around and Alexis loved having a "big" girl to follow around. I mean seriously we got to their house and Alexis just vanished for hours on end!
Finally a nice picture of the two of us without Alexis either crying or making her cheeseball smile.
Alexis and Erica, the star of the day!!!
Alexis boogying down with Maddie. Alexis and her bad self did not leave the dance floor all afternoon. Seriously, the kid wouldn't even eat or pee. All she wanted to do was dance.
While Alexis was tearing up the dance floor, Max preferred to overtake the stage. He liked to be up front and center with all eyes on him!!!
Or he could be seen hammin' it up somewhere!!!! Not my shy kid. Don't know where he comes from. Oh, you mean, Ben.......
The best thing about my kids though is that they love goofing around together and bring out the best in each other.
And to end the party.....the sweetest picture of Alexis and Maddie!
Sunday was a fabulous day in Connecticut. They actually have the season of Fall there and everything was so beautiful with all the trees in colors and leaves on the ground. It was great seeing everyone. Here are a couple highlights from the day.....
Alexis and Jessica.......Jessica loved having a "little" girl around and Alexis loved having a "big" girl to follow around. I mean seriously we got to their house and Alexis just vanished for hours on end!

Finally a nice picture of the two of us without Alexis either crying or making her cheeseball smile.

Alexis and Erica, the star of the day!!!

Alexis boogying down with Maddie. Alexis and her bad self did not leave the dance floor all afternoon. Seriously, the kid wouldn't even eat or pee. All she wanted to do was dance.

While Alexis was tearing up the dance floor, Max preferred to overtake the stage. He liked to be up front and center with all eyes on him!!!
Or he could be seen hammin' it up somewhere!!!! Not my shy kid. Don't know where he comes from. Oh, you mean, Ben.......

The best thing about my kids though is that they love goofing around together and bring out the best in each other.

And to end the party.....the sweetest picture of Alexis and Maddie!

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Connecticut - Part 1
Ahhhh......finally unpacked from our trip, but now it's time to share the memories. We left late Friday night, our flight was at 8:30....bedtime. Which could have gone one of two ways---really good (Max would sleep the whole time) or really bad (Max would scream the whole time). We actually fell somewhere in the middle because he cried for about 10 minutes on take off and landing, but slept in between. When we finally arrived at the hotel it was midnight and the kids literally collapsed into their respective beds. Max in his pack n play and Alexis in her bed. The only problem was that Alexis was "afraid" to sleep in the bed by herself. It did not seem to matter to her that I would be in the bed right next to her. So I slept in bed with her. It was such a pleasant night for me.......getting kicked in the face (yes, somehow she ended up backwards in bed), getting laid on all night, and listening to Max suck his fingers all night. So I was really well rested on Saturday. Saturday morning we went to a breakfast/lunch place where Alexis got to eat her very first Rainbow Bagel.
Then we went to a Children's Museum which was AWESOME. We could have spent well over the two hours that we were there. We got to visit the Rainforest where Alexis played with gorillas and Max dressed up like an little expedition man!
Then we went to the Healthy Kids exhibit where Dr. Needle got to clown around. She morphed into a dentist, a doctor, an ambulance driver, a healthy shopper, an exerciser, etc. 
We also decided to see how many weird places we could put Max. He was inside the giant mouth, inside drawers, on shelves. He didn't even really seem to mind.
Next we made it to the TV area where you could experiment with a green screen, but they didn't really think it was as cool as Ben and I did!!!!
But they did like the construction zone. Of course Alexis waited until it cleared out before she would go in the building, but Max was a maniac.

Finally we made it to the water play area which was awesome. It had a stream where you could send boats down, a whirlpool that you could send balls down and they would spit out the other side, a table where you could make water into steam, and a weather exhibit. I think we thought it was cooler than the kids did.
And then outside was a whole 'nother play area! Just not enough time!!!! I remember when I was a kid my brother had tinker toys. All different shape plastic blocks that could interlink. Well, this place had a collection of life-size tinker toys. Alexis went to town building a bridge and a small city, while Max ran around with a noodle lookin' thing slapping it around everywhere. Very fitting.

It really was time to be at our next destination, but we figured it was going to be impossible to get Alexis out of there without a complete fit. Thankfully we have some bratty and obnoxious kids to thank for helping make her transition easier. Some kids started stealing all of her blocks so she got mad, cried, and said she wanted to leave. Perfect!
For the next installment, tune in later :)

For the next installment, tune in later :)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Toddlers and Beyonce
So I guess when I posted this post back in March about Alexis jammin' out to Beyonce, she wasn't that unique and there was a reason for it.
I recently found this article about why Toddlers Love Beyonce! And here were the top three reasons:
You would think after 7 months since this original incident happened she would not be that into it anymore. But, oh, how you are wrong. While it definitely doesn't play on the radio as often, every time it comes on, her eyes light up and she start singing and bouncing away! Before I know it, Max will be singing "all the single ladies" too!
I recently found this article about why Toddlers Love Beyonce! And here were the top three reasons:
• "The song is very Teletubbies," says Tony-nominated musician Kenny Mellman. "If you listen to it, there is very little music. It's all drum and Beyoncé's voice."
• Kara Shall, communications director of Baby Loves Disco, says, "Young children love songs with good rhythm and repetition, and 'Single Ladies' certainly has both."
• Babies love high-contrast colors, steady beats, and smiling women's faces. "Single Ladies" has all three.
Monday, October 19, 2009
A Twist to Not Me Monday!
Welcome to Not Me Monday!!! And if you make it all the way to the bottom of the post, there will NOT be a surprise waiting there for you!
This was started by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Max has not been a snotty mess this week causing me to NOT use my sleeve to wipe his nose in times of desperation. And at the very least, I would never use his own sleeve!
Alexis has NOT given up her naptime and I'm NOT crying about it :(
Since it's October and it's pumpkin season, we did not decide to go to the Pumpkin Patch on the coldest, rainy (more like a drizzle) day so far of the season! And I would always be prepared for such weather so while there I definitely did not forget jackets for either child and they were not merely wearing sweatshirts.
And after the trip, I did not spend about 2 hours editing my pictures just so I could get them posted on Facebook for all to enjoy!
I also did NOT spend hours updating my store so that shoppers could have an adequate Fall selection instead of the bright summer bows that continued to remain online! And if you are a blogreader and you've made it all the way down here, then you will certainly NOT get a coupon code to get a free hairbow with the purchase of a bow at my store. That's right.......for every bow you buy you'll get a free one! So feel free to buy 6 and get 6 free! Just do NOT go to AffordaBOW by clicking here or typing in www.affordabow.com to your browser. Or you can click the picture in the upper left hand corner of the blog. And in the shopping cart, do NOT whatever you do, type the coupon code BLOG in to receive your special offer. Happy "not" shopping!!!!
This was started by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Max has not been a snotty mess this week causing me to NOT use my sleeve to wipe his nose in times of desperation. And at the very least, I would never use his own sleeve!
Alexis has NOT given up her naptime and I'm NOT crying about it :(
Since it's October and it's pumpkin season, we did not decide to go to the Pumpkin Patch on the coldest, rainy (more like a drizzle) day so far of the season! And I would always be prepared for such weather so while there I definitely did not forget jackets for either child and they were not merely wearing sweatshirts.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Alexis and Nap Time
Alexis and nap time used to be BFF. I mean BFF in the sense that she would take 3 hour naps like a champ. Unusual for a 3 1/2 year old? Yes! But appreciated by mommy? Yes, yes, and YES!!!! Alexis treasured her nap time and could not function without it. However, for the last 5 days, she has not napped (this does not mean that she has functioned either, just ask us around 7:00pm each night). But she still goes to her room during Max's nap and usually reads books in her bed or plays with Claw (her imaginary friend and a whole 'nother post!). But today her "nap" time took on a whole new meaning. And by new meaning I mean nap time became "let me trash my room, take every book of my bookshelf and build a road with it, and play with every toy without putting it away" time. Here are the damages:
This would be her floor covered in all the books from her shelf which she herself deemed to be a "road" on which she of course leap frogged from one book to the next and was quite proud of herself and her accomplishments.
And here is her bed covered with dolls, blankets, toys, and whatever else she could get her cute little hands on. If you don't know me well, you might not know that I am a NEAT FREAK. I hate when rooms are messy and my motto is "everything has a place". Just ask Ben how annoying I am and how often things he wants get thrown away. Imagine how much it pained me to actually leave the house tonight to go to my mom's for dinner without cleaning it up! GASP!!!! But rest assured that once I got home, her room once again looks like this:
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Apple Picking
We decided on Sunday to take a trip to the apple orchards. We also decided to take a DVD player in the car so that the long trip wouldn't be so painful. But of course, Max is still facing backwards because he has barely crossed the 20 pound mark and we decided to leave him backwards for a little longer, so he would not be able to see the DVD player. So Ben and I decided to make the milestone and turn him around. He was hilarious just looking around with these big eyes for a while.
We drove about 1 1/2 hours to get there which with a small 3 year old's bladder always makes for an interesting trip. We were about 10 miles away when Alexis states that she has to pee. I decide that she can hold it. We get about 8 miles away (out of all civilization) and she starts crying that she can't hold it. So we pull off the side of the road and she pees behind a small brick tower. Of course, Ben decides to take a picture, but he missed the action so here is the after shot.
Finally we arrive. The first thing we do is take a "hay" ride. But, hay rides are not what I remember them to be from when I was a kid. I remember a whole wagon FULL of hay that you sat on and played around in. This hay ride was a bench with bales of hay under it. But, nonetheless, it was fun. 
Then we went to the petting farm. The petting farm including sheep, goats, a pig, turkeys, chickens, and rabbits.
Maxwell liked the "petting" part of the farm a lot better than Alexis who liked to walk up close enough to the animals but not close enough to touch them. Although, she did pet this baby goat I think. She would claim she wanted to feed them, get some food in her hand, and then as soon as the animal got close enough to eat it, she would throw the food on the floor. But my mom did like getting up close and personal!
After the petting zoo, we finally made it to the orchards. Of course as soon as Max saw the apples all he wanted to do was eat one. So I let him. Yup, right off the tree. I'm not sure if that was against the rules and I know it wasn't clean, but, hey, it was fun. And it sure beat the knock down drag out fit he would have thrown if he couldn't eat one. 
Alexis did enjoy picking apples that were low enough for her to reach, but the real thrill and challenge was being able to pick one that was high up. She had this idea before we got there that there would be ladders there (she must have read about apple picking somewhere because I have no idea where she got this from). When we broke the news that there were no ladders, she decided to make her own.
Here are a few other highlights!!!!

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