Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Preschool Scholar

Alexis loves to learn. She basically soaks it up. After playing at her friend's house last week, she witnessed her older brother and sister having to do homework. She also attended my mom's school (a home school for children with special needs) two days last week while I had a meeting and she had a day off of her "real" school. These two experiences led her to an epiphany. Alexis decided that she needed to do homework. So she made me buy her a homework book, which basically is like a little preschool work book. And all she wanted to do this afternoon was "homework". She begged me not to nap so she could do more. And every time I said it was the last page, she would try to negotiate for another. Finally, I convinced her that it was time to go to her room to relax. She looks up at me and says "Mom, thank you for doing homework with me. I really loved it." Wow......school here we come!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thats my girl! I also bought her homework books to do at MDE School when she comes to visit.
