Thursday, February 18, 2010

Baby Names

While Alexis affectionately dubbed the baby, "Pixie" long ago, she came to the realization a few days ago that this would not be the baby's real name after it was born. Of course, all along, I was worried that if it were a boy, "Pixie" is not a very manly sounding name, but after Alexis and Max were born they both lost their fetus names very quickly, so I wasn't too worried. My dad named Alexis, Regis, after a very embarrassing story about myself that perhaps I will reveal later and he named Max, Plugis, because that is how Alexis said "Publix" at the time. Without my dad around to properly name the fetus, Alexis jumped into the task. If you don't already know, she has a love of Tinkerbell and Tinkerbell lives in Pixie Hollow, so hence the name. After the ultrasound, Alexis kept talking about Pixie. We informed her that the name was going to change once the baby was born. Alexis looked very seriously for a moment and said, "well, then I guess when she is born her name can be Alexa". We both just looked at her for a moment. Alexis continued, "I want it to be almost like my name, but not really like my name, so it should be Alexa". Makes complete sense to me, but not exactly practical. She has not yet realized that the baby's name will not, in fact, be Alexa, but I guess we'll cross that bridge in June.

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