Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This Time.....Mommy in the Doghouse

I officially claim the award.....bad mom of the day. So every Wednesday in Alexis's class a different mom comes in to make the challah dough for Friday Shabbat. I did it about a month ago and it was quite cute. However, today it was my turn again. It was written in my planner and last week I distinctly remember telling people when discussing this week's plans that I had to be in Alexis's class at 12:30 today. However, that did not quite happen. Because I completely forgot to show up. Actually, as I was driving into school this morning I saw a sign that said 2-10-10 on the elementary school next door, and I thought to myself "why does that day sound so familiar". I guess I know why now. So I went to pick her up at 1:20 and her teacher came to the car and asked if I forgot the challah. At first I had no idea what she was talking about.....then I remembered. I mean who forgets to go to their child's class when I KNEW I was supposed to be there. I felt awful. Luckily, Alexis didn't really seem to mind. Hopefully, I can find another day to go in and do something in class to redeem myself. I feel as though I can cut myself a little bit of a break because I have been feeling so badly lately, but that excuse will only get me so far. So I accept my fate as crappy mom of the day.

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