Saturday, August 29, 2009

Another Priceless Comment

Saturday was quite the lazy day for us. We pretty much did not do anything all day long. We weren't totally lazy though and we did start the day out with a run. Even Alexis ran with us (I know....just what little bean pole needs), but she LOVES running and even made us buy her some running shoes so she could run without her feet hurting. The other thing we did today was play in the backyard:And after dinner, we went the totally ultimate playground right next to our neighborhood. Alexis knew going into it that we had limited time before Max crashed. After 45 minutes, she got a 5 minute warning. So when it was time to go, she decided to run away from us. We finally had her cornered in the sandbox. After getting yelled at for not listening and running away from us, I dragged her toward the parking lot. Since by dragging, I mean literally dragging, it was taking a while. So I picked her up. As I picked her up, she screamed, "I am SO not happy with you right now!". Hmmmm....I wonder if she has heard that anywhere before?????

1 comment:

  1. And for those of you out there who are wondering what our reaction was...

    It took all our strength as parents not to just LAUGH in her face.

    By far, one of the funniest thing she has ever said.

    Better than "you're not my friend!"
