Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Repeating Parrot

I am pretty sure that I have already discussed the fact that if you want to ever hear what you sound like you just need to listen to your kids. We have been working (for a while now) on the concept of being patient with Alexis. Sometimes she is really good at waiting for things if I am busy feeding Max or folding laundry or cleaning something. Other times, when she wants something she wants it 5 seconds ago. I'm pretty sure that the concept of patience is pretty difficult for any three year old. We are trying to keep our house exceptionally clean now so every time Alexis takes something out we are making sure she puts it away (funny how I have to do the same thing for Ben, but I digress). Earlier tonight, she had about 20 of her 75 purses out in the family room. Ben asked her about 3 or 4 times to put them away before we left for the pool. Finally, he asked again and her response was "Dad, you have to be patient for me." Priceless!

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